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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

For A Better Future

Dear Parents and those who hope for a better, more wholesome education for our future generation,

PAGE would appreciate it if, when in full support of PPSMI, you can kindly indicate what ages your children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren are. The names of their schools and the town you are currently residing would also prove helpful.

This would populate our database to map out the voices of the people.

For Our Children.


TC. Tan said...

I am a student in UKM. My younger brother is in Form 3 in Perak.
Well, when I first got the new about this new policy, I was shocked.
I think this is not a wise decision to make. PPSMI is really a good way to ensure the future generation survive this competitive world.
Seriously, I was taught in BM during my secondary education and struggled quite hard to survive my Pre-U education. And even now, my supervisor for my industrial training still thinks that I'm not good enough to communicate and converse in English.
So, please think about it. Make a wise decision without being affected by those meaningless protests..

TC. Tan said...

Spread this website to your friends and family who really care about the future!!

alohamolly said...

My children is still young, but being a parent in Malaysia I am concern nonetheless about the reversal effect.

My opinion is to have an option to use their mother language(Chinese, Tamil, BM) in primary but to USE ENGLISH in secondary.

That would build a strong foundation in all languages and still able to progress smoothly to Higher education.

Writing from Puchong.

Ang SY said...

My daughter is only 7 month++. However, i forsee the problem she will face if the teaching of Maths and Science is in BM.
I was struggling during my Uni years as all the reference books were in English.
Therefore I strongly support the teaching of Maths and Science in English.

Little Lea said...

I SO agree with you Ani! In fact i was just thinking about it..

When the news just came out, we were seriously considering transferring our children to an international school or perhaps move them to singapore..where the medium is in english and not influenced by political propaganda!

It seems that the language schools are supporting their own cause....perhaps it will be good to have 4 types of schools; in english, malay, chinese and tamil to lessen the dispute. UPSR, PMR, SPM can be conducted in 4 languages.

Parents can have a choice to put their children to a language school of their preference. Those parents who wishes their children to further education overseas (e.g UK, US, AUS) will definitely put their child to an english school right from Primary 1 in order not to confuse the poor kid!

Anonymous said...

I am totally against the idea of having both languages in BM. When Ministry started the language switch in English, this was deemed a wise move. Why the sudden change of heart? Our kids are being used by the decision makers as experiments conducted on a trial and error basis. If Ministry is insistent on proceeding with their backward move, then the least they can do is to allow those who have started learning both subjects in English from 2003 to continue on in English. Disturbing them mid-stream is totally unfair and may jeopardize their performance. Both my kids are affected. Std 3 and Std 6 currently. Therefore both will have to switch to BM when in Form 1 (2013) and Form 4 (2013). They would have studied the subjects in English for 6 years and 9 years respectively. Where is the logic in the switch???

Anonymous said...

my friends, you have got to be kidding to put down the names of children along with their schools here. the information may fall into the wrong hands!!! just put down the school name and perhaps the age of the child will do!!

Anonymous said...

This is my 2 cents worth. The decline in proficiency and usage of English language will have an impact on the future progress of our children. In my capacity to hire, i have interviewed many local graduates and diploma holders, and also foreign grads. The foreign graduates always fared better in self confidence when they expressed themselves. The local grads may have better or sterling results but their inability to converse proficiently in English dampens their confidence when the interview is conducted in Engligh language. You can make guess which candidate will be hired an the end of the day! Academic excellence do guarantee good jobs. Like it or not, i believe, most job interviews are done in this international language. In this regard, by having extra subjects taught in English, this will be a force to drive both students and parents to place greater emphasis on the learning of English language. The rural kids and urban kids whose parents are not educated or proficient in Engligh may abhor this but is passing exams more important or the reality of the job market language demand? Sometimes we have to be 'cruel' to be kind. Let's give

Maggie said...

My daughter is 5 this year. Even though she has not entered Primary School, I am very upset and worried.

I do not want or wish my daughter to study Maths and English in Bahasa or Mandarin. It is much harder to study these subjects in Mandarin as Chinese characters are much harder to remember and write. Morever, what's the use of studying these subjects in Mandarin when inn college, they are in English?

Please, help us change the government's mind or bring back English schools so that parents like me have a choice.

All my parents (I work in a kindy) are against this change too.

Thank you


Michael Yip said...

My child is entering primary school next year and what I foresee will happen is that comes 2012, he'll be having problem when switching over from english to malay once he enter into 2ndary school.

Just because we have all these incompetent teachers that teaches the children doesn't mean that the students are the one that have to suffer the consequences.

If they want to spend money in fixing the problem, they should spend it on making the teachers learn english properly. Spoke to a few english (maths and Science) teachers recently and they can't even speak english properly, you expect students to learn from them? Where do they find these teachers and how did they qualify themselves to teach in the first place?

jean said...

Lousiest decision ever made. We are talking about the future of Malaysia. Students in rural areas cannot be used as an excuse. Get competent teachers. As the saying goes, a student is as good as the teacher. If the Ministry is still hard-headed, then start afresh if need be. Let those who are already in the system continue on. They are not experimental subjects.

Anonymous said...

I totally support the move to continue teaching Maths & Science in English. Our children and grandchildren will have better quality of life.
I pity those children who have been studying English since Year 1 and forced to learn the subjects in BM when they go to Form 4. Please let them continue in English till they finish secondary education.

Unknown said...

I do not support PPSMI because it is not politically sustainable in this multi-lingual and democractic society such as Malaysia. This is because the demands from the diverse language groups such as GPMS, Dong Zhiao Zong and others are too strong and our political leaders too weak to stand up against this pressure groups.

As a solution, I suggest that the government rescind the decision to extinguish the English stream altogether but to allow the English in Maths and Science to remain in all the Missions schools, particularly in the urban areas. Fine mission schools like VI, BBGS, St John, and Penang Free School and St Georges in Penang, have a long tradition of English education and has a large following. There will be no lack of applicants for these schools.

Doing so will do justice to the call for 1Malaysia, otherwise it is mere sloganeering without substance.

In the implementation of the policy about change, I call upon our PM not to leave out a sizable community of Malaysians who believed in English education for Science and Mathematics, and needed the PPSMI schools for their children's future.

It is in schools such as these that the 1Malaysia concept can be realized and the Bangsa Malaysia achieved.

Otherwise, it is all back to all those almost mono-ethnic schools where racial and religious prejudices and stereotyping dies hard and is self-perpetuating.

Is this the country of the future we want our children to live in?

Thian said...

Individuals who do not have children yet are responding to this blog. That shows how important it is to continue with PPSMI. My son will be in Form 4 in 2012 and he is affected by the reversal. He asked me, "Mum, how to studiiiiiiiiiii?" I kept quite for a while and then answered "pray to God that they will switch back to teaching in English for Science and Maths". And he is still frustrated. I read the papers everyday and I don't remember anything said about abolishing teaching S&M in English in the secondary schools. Why the sudden reversal for the secondary schools also? I can see the need to revert in the primary school level. The government better do the correct thing to continue PPSMI in secondary schools and hopefully our children can gain some advantage to compete domestically and globally.

Anonymous said...

I wanted my children to learn 3 languages, i.e. English, Chinese & Bahasa Malaysia, and to mingle with Malaysian children.
Not many can afford to send their children to international schools which charge fees equivalent to a person's annual salary.
Please let our secondary children continue learning Science & Maths in English - this will benefit them in future years when they continue further education in universities, both locally and overseas.
I worry for my youngest son who has been studying these 2 subjects in English. When he goes to Form 4 in 2013, he will struggle with these 2 subjects because he has to cope with new Bahasa Malaysia words.
Please let these children finish in English.

Unknown said...

All for PPSMI at least in secondary schools or give us option of English medium schools.

Age : 8 & 12
School : SK Sri Subang Jaya
Town : Subang Jaya

Annie said...

Fully support PPSMI. 3 kids affected:-

Age: 13, 12, 9
School: SMK Kota Kemuning
SJK(C) Chee Wen
SJK (C) Chung Hua
Town : Shah Alam, Selangor

Jean Y said...

My brother is 13 this year, and is currently at SMK La Salle, Petaling Jaya.

I was from SMK Assunta, and was a product of the first batch of the PPSMI scheme, learning Math & Science (M&S) in English.

The comments have already been said, that even if you want to revert back to BM, do so with the children who will be entering standard 1 in 2012, not interfering with the children who have already spent so much time learning, memorising, studying, and putting so much effort into learning M&S in English. I say this not just because my brother will have to SUDDENLY revert to BM in 2012 for M&S, but also because it is SIMPLE LOGIC that should have been taken into account while considering the options.

That aside, I can tell you that learning M&S in English has been the best priviledge I have ever had in my ENTIRE school life. Sure, in Assunta, all our teachers spoke English. The bio, physics, chem, PJK, moral... you name it, they spoke it. All, except my BM teacher of course. However, it is to be noted that all these teachers are pretty old, and all have either retired or will be retiring in the next 2/3 years or so.

In this kind of background, the transition for me when I went to college (Taylors) was fantastic. I could understand all the terms with ease, speak the language proficiently, and I didn't have to carry electronic dictionaries like my classmates who came from the more rural areas. However, the electronic dictionaries were only used for difficult words NOT CONNECTED with scientific knowledge. Everyone knew what photosynthesis was, what hydrolysis was, and Newton's gravitational Laws. Change it to BM and you'd be certain that the electronical dictionaries will be used for words like that too.

-Continued in the next post-

Jean Y said...

I believe the Gov is misguided. Muyihiddin mentioned that "we have produced proffesionals (e.g. engineers) in the past even when we learnt it in BM. Yes, that may true, but he misses out the point that we, the students of the PPSMI scheme have yet to even get into the job market! He hasn't even seen whether or not we can prove ourselves to be better than our BM educated (in M&S) counterparts! of to which, I believe that we actually are, seeing how we have so much more access to more books, journals, researches, lectures and etc, all conducted or translated into English!

Tell me, will the works of any Nobel prize winner be converted in BM? I highly doubt so.

Tell me this as well, the government can even say that if necessary, they will HIRE FOREIGN teachers to teach English and improve our language in school. But if so, why not hire foreign teachers to TEACH M&S IN ENGLISH? it's exactly the same thing. If you're going to waste our tax money, then waste it well, and not just by providing work for the textbook publishers by printing in English and re-printing in BM.

Mind you, the level of English in our country (which can be so drastically horrible at times) is due to the initial decision to change the medium of instruction to BM in the first place (which took place 30-40 years ago!).

You can't expect the whole population of Malaysians that learnt it in english to SUDDENLY be masters of the language? You must be joking!

And by any means, even if you increase the number of hours English is being taught in class, let me just tell you that it is to no avail.

The exercises given to us in class doesn't really enable us to learn anything. In fact, my English was learnt at home (due to my very well-spoken parents) and also due to external classes. Students will be students. we will talk in class, play in class, copy homework to hand it in to the teacher at the last minute. Not only that, this also applies to Bahasa Malaysia. Increasing hours of English being taught will not, as I want to emphasize, will NOT cause the profficiency to increase.

It will be learning the subjects in English that will help. In order to present your Science essays and reports, you have to write in English and the sentence has to make sense. If it doesn't make sense, how are you goig to get marks?

Similiarly, in Math, if you don't understand what the questions want, how can you even begin to start solving problems?

And trust me, even with my English education it was sometimes difficult to understand the questions in my exam papers, as obviously, Cambridge Examinations use PROPER English as the medium of instruction.

My last point is that, my older brother, who had to learn in BM for M&S, had a whole lot of time struggling to cope in college because of the transition to English. Thank goodness he had all the English background at home like I did, or else he'd really have a hard time.

7 years is too short a time to see the effects of M&S (in English). The problem with Malaysians is that we expect immediate results. Politicians in this case seem to be looking at the short term. At least, Tun Mahathir had the vision to let us learn in ENglish. My salutations to him.

As previously said by someone above, What's the point of having better results as compared to a better working life in the future? When we work, it affects our whole life. Bad results is just one small section of our short tenure here on earth. Don't spoil the rest of these children's lives. Give them a brighter future.

I implore the Gov to listen to our views. Recind on your decision. Bring back PPSMI!

Teo Wun Meng said...

Fully in support of PPSMI

2 children

Age:15, 7
School: SMK Seri Mutiara; SJK(C) Taman Connaught
Town: Cheras, Kuala Lumpur

Anonymous said...


I don't have any children however I would like to raise up one issue that can be discussed.

I had the chance to look at the stats at the star online.

this is what I noticed.

(1) There is a difference in terms of understanding of English between the rural and urban.

(2) There is a difference in terms of performance of Science and Maths between rural and urban.

However the difference in terms of performance were similar both before and after PPSMI was introduced.

Basically PPSMI didn't increase the gap between the rural and the urban students.

I hope you can get someone with stats experties to study the stats. Thanks.

BH Toh, PJ said...

MCA should NOT be allowed to decide on behalf of Malaysian Chinese. They have been making lousy & adhoc decision.

1st their cabinet members voted to support cabinet deision. Then they say S&M should be in English at form4&5. Latest I read, they now want S&M in English at 2ndary school.

These poor pupil affected by their decision will have to switch from English to BM (primary) BM then switch yet again to English (2ndary & tertiary).

To MCA, I say SHUT-UP. Hear & let parents decide via PIBG

AM said...

I totally disagree of the reversal. Fully support PPSMI. Our children future and survival are more important.

Age : 11 and 8 years old
School : SK Puteri Pandan 1
SK St Gabriel

Angry & concerned parent said...

I have two boys at BBBS Secondary (Form 1 & Form 3).

For the sake of our future generations and the country's future, we should retain the use of English for Science & Maths.

There should also be more rational consideration and transparency on this issue. I understand this is not easy for politicians.

We should be doing everything we can enhance our ability to participate successfully in a global setting, and not vice versa.

Nik said...

Child's age: 17, 15, 12
School : SMK Desa Perdana, KL
SK Taman Desa, KL

My son (12 years old) has been studying English in Math & Science since Year 1. I seriously think that the Govt. should allow these kids to continue their education in English until Form 5. They are our future. Please don't torture them.

GG said...

Well I see the point "anonymous" trying to make.

Although there is a difference in terms of understanding English, there might be no difference in terms of performance of Science and Maths in English between rural and urban.

This might be because the performance in English Language and the understanding of Maths and Science in English can be mutually exclusive (ie not related at all). This is because Maths and Science require technical English and not English literature.

I noticed this because my friend who was going to Germany to study engineering not only learned German but also learned technical german so that he can understand the subject. They are two different things.

I think if anyone of us is going to give feedback, it would be better if backed up by stats.

I really hope this helps.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

My daughter is in Form 1 now (SMP Jalan Ipoh). We feel disappointed and at the same time, angry and lost as to what is the reason to have 2 years of Malay in Sc and Maths when she reaches Form 4 and back to English for both the subjects when they are Form 6. What is the logic. MOE people, please explain. The citizens have the right to know what is the rationale for this decision. It is sensible and logic for Year 1 to Year 6 to study both the subjects in their mother tongue as we understand that these age group of children will catch up faster when studying these 2 subjects in their mother tongue language. Fair. But what is the logic of having Malay Sc and Maths when they moved to Form 1. Secondary education should be be English medium to allow the children to be well versed in the language for pre U and University education. Especially Form 4 onwards where the subjects are in subjective method and no more objective method. It is not easy to have only 2 years of Form 6 in english because after your 2 years in english you will still be struggling to grasp the language, how are they going to cope in Uni. To those who made the decision to change to Malay, have you ever emphatise with these children, put yourselves in their shoes !

MRS LIM said...

I am a mum with two kids in Form 1 and 3. I am appalled by the decision to abolish PPSMI. I do not see the logic for the government to want the pioneer batch of PPSMI students to study in BM for form 4 and 5 and then revert to English from then on. I wonder how many of the decision makers in Parliament actually have a child going to the local government school. Please give us relevant data. I live in a middle class community in Subang Jaya. Till today , I have yet to meet a parent or child who agrees with the goverment decision . Please let the parents decide what they want for their children. Spare our children's future. Let them gain knowlegde in English and compete with the rest of the world.

KLL said...

I would like to urge all who support PPSMI to register their comments here. Pls also leave your comment at Ministry of Education website too. We have to show that there is a sizeable portion of the population who support PPSMI.

Grumbling and sitting back won't help. Need to be pro-active else we will be dismissed by politicians as a minority.

I urge all students who are affected by this policy change to do the same. Talk to your friends etc. After all this is your future.

Anonymous said...

Please spread this website to everybody we know and request for support by dropping some comment in this website.

Hopefully the MOE and cabinet get the message.

6yrs @ CEC Subang Jaya
8yrs @ Lick Hung

Anonymous said...

I fully support the teaching of Sc and Maths in English at the Sec Schools.


10yrs@SRJK Johor Jaya JB
14yrs&SMK JJ1 JB

Anonymous said...

I came from the time when Science and Maths were taught in Bahasa. We just follow the flow at that time but when I enter uni to do my deg in eng, I had the biggest shock bcoz all the reference books, lectures are in eng. I don't know why we want to revert back to Bahasa. The problem that we are facing is not whether it is taught in eng or bahasa but rather how well the teachers are trained in eng. I had friends from my years that are teaching in public school but hardly master english language. If we are to revert back to eng, the future of our country will be gone.

Anonymous said...

School:Chung Hua High School(form
Town :Seremban
School:SRJK(C) Chung Hua (std 5)
Town :Seremban

School:SRJK(C) Chung Hua (std 2)
Town :Seremban

I strongly support PPSMI in secondary school.

Ah Sir said...

Two wrongs don't make a right! Start from the beginning, not making the pupils revert to BM after 9 years!

Liyana Jamili said...

I am 20 years old, i went to SMK USJ 4 and i was taught under the Math and Science in Malay syllabus.

My brother who is 16, goes to the same school, and is under the current Math and Science in English syllabus. My sister,18 was from the same syllabus. i was not so fortunate to share their good opportunity to study the subjects in English.

I was shocked and upset that there are parties who hold petitions,who steadfastly and consistently tries to get other people to join in the 'cause; to these people i ask you why?

why would you deny your children an added advantage on the global working platform? English is known,used and understood globally. the opportunities and possibilities are endless when you own your English.

we will only regress if we revert back to the Malay syllabus. I couldn't even help my brother study, and i had to stand back and just watch my sister assist him.

these kids, they'll go to college where they'll learn in English anyways. even the IPTA institutions teach the subjects in English,as i recall.

so why put these kids through unnecessary turmoil? why the constant language shifts anyway over the past few years? Could anybody explain this?

aizai said...

My kids:

A daughter, 16, a son, 14 in SMK Seri Hartamas and another daughter, 12 & son, 11 in SK Bukit Damansara

wayne said...

PPSMI is the right way.This is a long term plan. The language of progress in science is English. i studied sciences in BM during my time. please hear the voices of the students who is currently struggling to compete globally due the imcompetence of our politicians who only care about their political power. i dont want my children or niece to suffer like me.

since they can employ large number of teachers and allocate more time for english, why not they reverse the decisions and employ more BM teachers and allocate more time for BM? Maintain the usage of english in sciences and maintain the usage of BM or mother tongue in NON-science subjects.

Anonymous said...

What "soft landing" are they talking about! We in Penang are furious, devastated and find it unreasonable and senseless of the Education Ministry to allow the change of the present teaching of Maths & Science to BM. My daughter is in Form 1 now. It seems so absurd and we really really can't comprehend the logic behind this group of "decision makers" that allowed this decision to go ahead. The PROBLEMS that will arise from this reverting to BM are so clear and obvious that the students themselves are smart enough to tell you. We can't help but feel how absurd it is to let the Form 4 in year 2012 to revert to BM only to get back to English in Form Six. This is really silly if we may say. How do you expect the students to perform well in these 2 subjects in just 2 years of learning in BM against their 9 years of learning in English. You are putting the children through GREAT INCONVENIENCES, UNNECESSARY WORRIES and TIME WASTING. And, we must add that you have been UNFAIR to them. THINK, how would you feel and react if you "DECISION MAKERS" are in their shoes. For a moment think if all of you are not allowed to send your children to international school or overseas to escape this predicament. Malaysians have spoken up against the change to BM for Maths & Science. The reasons are many and all for the advancement of our beloved country. I am in the private sector and have seen many young graduates despite their strings of As are unable to comprehend well in English and when it comes to writing; literary in every sentence they made, you may find a grammatical mistake or wrong usage of word. I feel extremely sorry for them. Who is to be blamed for their poor command? It has been EXTREMELY SAD for all of us since the announcement of the change to BM for Maths and Science. Dear PM, you have made many wise decisions and we hope you could do something positive concerning this issue. We do not think your 1MALAYSIA will augur well if you fail to hear us. We have been a silent majority for too long. All we ask is to do the right thing for the progress of our children and our country. READ US WELL. We would like to reiterate: we are disappointed and furious.

Concerned parents

Unknown said...

We in East M'sia also fully support PPSMI esp in Sec Sch.
Give parents and students choice.
1.Age 13,Lodge National Sch, Kuching
2.Age 12 ,Lodge Sch, Kuching
3.Age,10, Lodge Sch, Kuching

Anonymous said...

Concern parent said......

I fully support PPSMI for Secondary and Primary school. Give children the choice and please ask parent's comment and feedback before calling off the PPSMI.


Age 10, SJKC Kong Hoe, Klang
Age 7, SJLC Kong Hoe, Klang

Aaron (Australia) said...

I am not a parent yet but i have niece and nephew in the primary and secondary school. I'm doing tertiery education in Australia now. I have no problems doing science and math in English as I used English in my school when I talk to my friends even they are taught in Bahasa Malaysia. However, my friends that are from chinese and national schools all have problems coping with the subjects not because they are not smart enough to understand but due to language barrier. For the sake of young Malaysians, the Government must not revert the subject to Bahasa Malaysia. Use English for a better and brighter future!!!!

Anonymous said...

I definately do not support the teaching of Science and Mathematics in Bahasa Malaysia. It is like going one step backwards. Please maintain the teaching of the two subject as it is and think hard how to solve the root cause of the problem that drive them to make the switch. As it is now not more than 50% of the teachers who teach Science and Mathematics can speak really good English. So please decision makers, please make some wise decision for once and stick to the current system but put more emphasis on training our teacher to speak better English so that they can impart it to the students.

Child: Aged 9 yrs
School: S2A Seremban

Anonymous said...

I fully support PPSMI. English is a worldwide language and our children should be exposed to it to excel in life.

Daughter in Std 1
School : SRK Sri Kuala Lumpur
Town : Subang Jaya

Anonymous said...

I am a teacher teaching Forms 4 and 5 Maths in a secondary school. I fully support PPSMI! I have a son in std 6 this year. What languge will he be using in 2012 when he is in form 4?

Son in std 6
Town : Subang Jaya

Unknown said...

Niece, aged 11
SK Bukit Jalil

Nephew, aged 14
SMK Bukit Jalil

Nephew, aged 11
SK Bandar Sri Damansara

Unknown said...

I just called the MoE 03-77237070. My son who's going to Form 1 next year will be doing 3 years of S&M in English. Then in F4&5 he'll be taught & tested (SPM) in BM. Then if he makes it to F6, he'll be taught in English again That's what the lady on the line told me Absolutely nuts!

hehe she told me to email my views to them at

Please call them just to confirm that I wasn't misinformed. Either way, please email them your opinions (and your MP or ADUN too).

Mother of Three said...

Son : 12 years old
School : SRK Methodist, ACS Klang

Daughter : 7 years old
School : SRK Methodist, MGS Klang

First and foremost, we are unable to confirm whether the policy is successful or otherwise over a period of less than 10 years. PPSMI is a long term policy. There is bound to be hiccup here and there during the initial years. However, knowing the importance of English as a platform to excel in their future, most students irrespective of races have put in extra effort to ensure that they can adapt with the changes.

Just because of some demonstration from certain groups of people who may have their own hidden agenda, the Ministry changed a policy made without even waiting for the "tree to bear fruits". Does this group of people represent the rakyat? What about group of people like us who have been keeping quiet so far as we agreed to PPSMI policy? There should be a platform for us to view our concern before the decision was made. Is it fair for us.

As everyone is aware, English is the international language for Science and Technology. I really support the comment made by Tun Dr Mahathir in his blog at

No doubt the Ministry cannot satisfy everyone in this matter but they should weigh the importance of English in higher education. I believe the Ministers are more aware and educated than all of us. As such, I hope that there will be a good solution to resolve this issue.

Thank you.

youmeihooi said...

The BEST thing that was done for our education system was the changeover to English for Maths and Science previously. So, let it remain so instead of taking a step backwards and reverting to BM again. How would our kids handle tertiary education well without being well-versed in the language in which most international journals and research texts are published?

Zee said...

First I would like to know where our 'policy makers' send their children to study?

Secondly, I would like to tell MCA that you do not speak on behalf of the Chinese community. You only speak on behalf of Dong Zong and the other pro Chinese educationists, who have succeeded in producing chinese children who can only speak in mandarin, a smattering of bahasa and barely any english. So to MCA, stop patronising us parents by pretending to speak on behalf of us because YOU DO NOT.

My children's background:
1) 14 years old
Convent Bukit Mertajam, Penang

2) 11 years old
SRJK(C) True Light, Penang

We support PPSMI, and are against the reversal to BM & mother tongue.

Yen Min said...

Mother of Form 1 daughter in
Subang Jaya.

How can the 1st batch of children
catch up with 5 subjects (2 Maths &
3 Science)in BM when they have studied Maths & Science in English
for 9 years ? They have to handle other subjects for SPM & this will further put pressure on them if Science & Maths are changed to BM. Please do not place our children's studies at stake.
I fully support PPSMI and against
the switch to BM.

Upset mother

Anonymous said...

prefer maths & science to be taught in english. hope that the education minister will not change the two subjects to BM

Anonymous said...

Fully support PPSMI!!!

My children's background:
1) 10 years old
SJK(C) Lai Meng, Kuala Lumpur

2) 8 years old
SJK(C) Lai Meng, Kuala Lumpur

Unknown said...

I have 2 sons, 7 years & 8 years old respectively and both study in SJK(C) Chung Hua, Klang in Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam.

I have a 12 years education in chinese medium school (6 years in SJK(C) + 6 years in Chinese Independent School) before tetiary education in Canada. I was really suffer when I moved from primary school, SJK(C) to Chinese Independent School, Junior Middle 1 (Form 1) because our Maths & Science subjects then were in English. Our teacher would taught in Chinese medium,our examination will be in English.
I feel that is worthwhile and it benefited us alot as we learned all the scientific & Mathematics terms in English and it really help a lot when I move to tetiary education which is 100% in English.

I urge the authority to listen to the parents contributed in this blog and save our children from learning all the "half-past-six" language and master of none.

surf4pat said...

I support PPSMI and the Ed Minister should consult the parents and go have questions and answers sessions with all school childrens / parents in respective schools.. get their feedback ... alot of parents are not aligned to any political parties...and these parties cannot say they represent the communities desire in the abolishing the PPSMI. What more that the Cabinet says the PPSMI is a failure based on research and it did not produced the desired comparing the urbans and the rurals? I say this is sacrificing urbans in favor of the rurals. If the rurals are lagging behind , give them more support and encouragements ... provide better and qualified english proficient M & Sc teachers who are passionate in teaching the 2 subjects.
Ed Min, get your feedback from the parents and children. We don't want a dozen so-called experts sitting on a round table deciding on the future of our children.. & they don't represent the voice of all parents / children either.

Parents & Children...All For PPSMI & PPSMI For All !!!

Child : 1.
Age. : 12 yrs
School : SK Montfort BPahat Johor

M Singh said...

The reason I placed my children in a national school was the fact that they will have a bilingual education i.e. Science & Maths in English and the rest in BM. This way they will master the national language and become true Malaysians while not losing out on the opportunity to master and assess the scientific/Internet knowledge in the English language.

With the reversal of the PPSMI policy, we feel cheated and truly dissapointed. The decision also contradicts the earlier govt initiative of making national schools attractive for all.

Bring back PPSMI !!

Children's details:

Age: 13 (Form 1)
Sch: SMK Bandar Kinrara Seks 4

Age: 10 (Std 4)
Sch: SRK Bandar Kinrara Seks 2

Town: Puchong

Name: M Singh

Anonymous said...

Children's ages: 8 & 11
Sch: SK Seafield 3, Subang Jaya

Truly and earnestly pray and hope that winds of change will come again soon.

WP said...

Honestly, I think the govt didn't really study the issue properly before the decision was made to discontinue the PPSMI prog. Parents and various groups have commented and voted for the continuation of teaching M&S in English before the govt made the decision but all the comments were not even taken into consideration. If the govt had listen, they would not have reverted the teaching of M&S to BM.

Having to convince the govt to give us parents or the students options now is really a waste of time and resources. I praise PAGE for taking up this task and wish it the best in fighting for our course.

The govt has to know:

1. Having more time to teach English is not going to improve the standard of English of the students.

2. The issue with the decline in mastery of M&S is the teachers. I dare to say that my son's English is better than a lot of the teachers in his school and he's only in standard 2. The teachers do not bother to improve their English, despite the govt sending them to courses and paying them extra allowances.

3. Studying M&S in English is not going to make any of us less patriotic.

4. Enough public funds have been wasted to prepare teachers to teach M&S in English. We don't need more funds to be wasted to revert everything to BM. I won't be surprised if some teachers will come forward to say, "I've been teaching M&S in English for 6 years. I need to relearn the terms in BM.".

5. Like what some parents have said on this blog, give students the options to choose in what language they want to study M&S.

WP said...

Children's details:

Age: 14
School: Wesley Methodist School, Sentul.

Age: 13
School: Sekolah Sri Inai Beaconhouse, PJ

Age: 8
School: SK Taman Tun Dr Ismail (1), KL

GP said...

Children's details:

1. Age: 15
School: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman SEA, Petaling Jaya

2. Age: 13
School: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Damansara Utama, Petaling Jaya

3. Age: 11
School SJK(C) Puay Chai, Petaling Jaya

I am distraught with the recent decision of reverting the teaching of Math and Science to BM. Regardless of how it is implemented, I do not agree with the decision.

The program was never given a chance - the review was done too soon. It should be done when the first batch (those that started in Year 1 in English) has completed their Form 5 or 6.

The programme should be fine-tuned instead of abolished. The focus was on teaching in English and not learning in English. Has anyone even taught of seeking the student's opinion?

I was born in 1963 and was the first batch of students in Year 1 to get taught the 2 subjects in BM. First hand opinion: English is a better medium to teach the 2 subjects. Until today, references are published in English first. Waiting for translations? Does Malaysia want to be competitive?

We are told that teaching the 2 subjects in English did not make a difference to the results. Then the reverse is true - there's no basis to reverse it then.

Another strange thing is that if BM is a good medium to teach these subjects and it is our pride in the National language, then logically, these topics should be taught in BM too in the vernacular schools.

This is why we suspect this is a politically motivated decision. Since the opposition of the day is supporting this decision, we should tell the ruling party that we will only vote for them, if they continue with English.

Calling the hotline - good idea too but will it be a waste of time? Is it just to let us THINK we have a voice. if the new minister does not even want to meet with the parents, how does the hotline help?

GP said...

'Has anyone even taught of seeking the student's opinion?"
should have read
"Has anyone even THOUGHT of seeking the students' opnions?'


WP said...


I totally agree with you. What's the point of having hotlines when they don't listen? Somehow, I feel that these hotlines are just set up to get people's opinions to help the govt to "design" their reasons to support the move to revert the teaching of M&S to BM. Maybe we should just stop calling them.

Just a while ago our DPM said that the govt is firm with their decision but is willing to listen to proposal. Isn't this oxymoron?

cbho said...

my child is < 1 year old n i know it's way too early to decide on her education. One thing for sure though is this: looks like i will need to save more to send her to an international school if this is the way our education system is going

Y1 said...

My daughter 13, is in Form 1 of Tshung Tsing Secondary School, Kota Kinabalu.

Looks like she will also be another guinea pig if I allow her to suffer.

I will not, therefore I strongly support a PPSMI School Stream.

Otherwise I will pull her out to do O Levels in a private school or send her to Singapore.

Leslie said...

My daughter started schooling this year and we are all geared up for PPSMI. Suddenly, this change comes about. I wonder if this solution is the right one for the future generation. As far as we know from the minister, its about English proficiency issue with rural students and teachers as well. Why not provide these students and teachers extra help so that the whole nation does not have to take a step back for them.

Age : 7
School : Sri Nobel, PJ

RO said...

Fully support PPSMI. 1 kid affected:-

Age: 8
School: SK Puteri
Town : Seremban, Negeri Sembilan

Bangsa Malaysia said...

Born & breed in Malaysia.Loves Malaysia. Give our children the oppportunity to be first class citizens and do the country proud in the international front.

14 yrs old
SMK Damansara Jaya

11 yrs old
SRK Taman Megah

Anonymous said...

My son is 6 yrs old and will be entering a Chinese school next year and I definitely support teaching of Maths and Science in English. This will give children a better foundation for their tertiary studies.

Foo Kuok Jeen - 6yrs old.
Foon Yew 1, JB.

Nephew and nieces
Christopher Wong, 14 yrs old
Ashley Wong, 12 yrs old
Chan Sin Yee, 12 yrs old
Chan Tze Nam, 8 yrs old
Lim Huei Tze, 5 yrs old

Sha said...

I am a translator doing translation work for Malay-English & vice versa. Many of the Malay terms for Maths and Science are "Malaynised" English terms. So what's the point of studying these subjects in BM?? I sure don't understand why the government is reverting to BM as the merits of studying these subjects in English are definitely more.

My sons are:

1) Hayden Chan (6 years)
2) Aldan Chan (4 years)


1LegKicking said...

I can only say this... all the advanced urban students... jom " gos-tan" ... n all laggards rural students ... jom " gos-tan lagi gos-tan " ... at the end, all " gos-tan beramai-ramai " ...

This is all that I can see in the coming years... when BM takes over English in M & Sc, after that, who knows, maybe there'll be more failures from the reversion than there're now in PPSMI.

Oh dear... this is SO " balik kampung " !!!!

To those who are so adamant to have M & Sc taught in mother tongue language in Primary School, how do you all think studying the 2 subjects in BM eventually in F1 is going to effect them ? I overall think the pressures are on the children coping with the change and their abilities to learn the subjects in BM .

It used to be learning Sc was fun ( cos you're always wanting to know ) & Maths is so challenging ( cos you re always ahead of your classmates in solving a tricky question)and sometimes we ask questions that teachers says they needed time to find an answer to...Sigh, now all we get is arguing over the language medium, there's no fun anymore.

So...Ed Min hear us now, don't make the U & R students " gos-tan beramai-ramai"...pull the brake now...continue with what was started ( PPSMI)... go full throttle ahead ... we don't need Malaysia Tak Bolih future generations...we need MALAYSIA BOLIH generations

Child : 1
Age : 12 yrs
School : SK Montfort BPahat Johor

Anonymous said...

sandra : 'the ex x-pm has messed up the edu system & now regretted ....!'
Sorry, it's TOO late & nothing can be done , why ?
Since early 80s, all the students were in the malay medium for pmr, spm, stpm & vasity & their English till today really sucks : now 99% of teachers come from these products & some dun know the difference between ...
then & than ; price & prize ; advice & advise ; practice & practise ...even ' kami & kita ' !
conscience = konsain !
5-2=3.... five push two is three !!
mon = monday , tue = tuesday, ...!

This latest conversion from 2012 is a 'savior ' to the present teachers who dun have to struggle
with their broken 'inglis' & in fact some students are EVEN better than their inglis teachers !! SIGH !
you may say : pls retrain the teachers to improve their 'inglis'
...SIGH ...3.1 BILLIONS already wasted since 2003 ( items terhilang : laptops, ohp, disc ...)
& mad/sain teachers getting 10% extra pay , allowance on weekend courses & perhaps commissions have got to be paid to those lucky ....?
NOW, another 5 BILLIONS for this new conversion ...SIGH !
SO, 8.1 BILLIONS of our blood money ....SIGH !!

Random Ramblings said...

I support the teaching of Maths & Science in English in the secondary school. It is mindless to expect our children who are already studying both subjects in English, to switch to BM in secondary, knowing fully well that they will again be learning both subjects in English, when they go to college/university. My younger boy who will be affected by this mindless decision is :-
1. Jordan Soon, aged 11 - Sekolah Kebangsaan USJ12, Subang Jaya

surf4pat said...

PUTRAJAYA: The Government’s decision to reverse the Teaching of Mathematics and Science in English policy (PPSMI) stands.

Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said any policy decision made must be consistent.

“There cannot be a flip-flop within the policy,” he told reporters after presenting excellent service awards to 399 Education Ministry staff.

Muhyiddin, who is also Education Minister, said his ministry would study views from members of the Cabinet or anyone else reported in the media.

“We take all these into consideration when trying to strengthen the ministry’s new strategy, which is to uphold Bahasa Malaysia and strengthen English,” he said.

He was commenting on MCA president Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat’s statement that the party would make several proposals to the Cabinet on the usage of English in the teaching of Mathematics and Science.

On Tuesday, Ong had said the proposals would be to enhance the teaching of English subjects in vernacular primary schools, use English and Bahasa Malaysia to teach the two subjects from Form One to Form Three, and maintain English as the medium of instruction for Form Four and Form Five.

Muhyiddin said the Cabinet discussed many things, adding that the views of its members were important.

“The MCA president has also spoken outside expressing his interest on pushing Mathematics and Science to be implemented in English at secondary school level,” he said.

Asked if this meant the proposal had been shot down, Muhyiddin said he did not say so.

“Every decision we make must be consistent. Anyone can have a view ... maybe there is some rationale on the basis of some experiences,” he said.

Muhyiddin said what was important was the implementation of the new policy.

“I have said we will strengthen the English curriculum from now on. We would like to invite the experts in English who may want to contribute in terms of ideas or how to reform the curriculum, and even how to improve the teaching of Mathematics and Science,” he said.

Last Wednesday, Muhyiddin said the Government had decided to reverse the PPSMI policy and revert to Bahasa Malaysia in national schools and Chinese and Tamil in vernacular schools from 2012.

The PPSMI policy was implemented in phases, beginning with Year One, Form One and Lower Six students in 2003, under former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s administration.

Taken from :

Now what parents/ students/ teachers ?

Anonymous said...

I refer to Edu Minister's statement today.

Perhaps it's time we be very vocal, perhaps plan a gathering at a stadiums thoughout the country and invite Muhiddin to meet us face-to-face.

In developed countries, he would probably have to resign in disgrace due to such a lousy & cruel decision.

Parent of Std1 student

Anonymous said...

the 2012 policy decision is muktabak!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Lee Cheng Poh said...

I have sent numerous letters to NST and Star but not all my letters were published. The most recent letter was in the NST on 13 July. Sadly, only half of my letter was published. I said that streaming into science and arts starts in Form 4 and this is the foundation year to progress to pre university and tertiary. The poor children have cope to switching back to English after two year in BM in Form 4 ad 5. The children will be mostly interested to do well in Form 6 as university entrance is very competitive.

The portion that was not published was

1. Do not burden the children with an additional subject like English Literature. Even we, from the english medium were disinterested in English Literature when it was introduced to us in Form 4 then

2. We should go back to the approach used in the 60/70s in the teaching of English

3. What is needed is to provide the opportunity to use English and this will be in the form of teaching more subjects in English. This when the reverse when we only had one subject in BM and everything else was in English. Our standard of BM then was passable

4. Teaching Science and Mathematics in English does not sideline BM as the national language. Using English words in BM corrupts BM. Words like relevan, efektif, kurikulum, geografi

The DG said yesterday that techers would be encouraged to use both languages next year. This further add more "rojak" to both languages. When we were in school, we only use English in subjects taught in English and BM in BM subject. Even in Std One, where many of us do not know any English, the teachers taught us using only English

kazmi said...

I, hereby,voted and Y.Bhg Datin as our "Minister of Education Malaysia" as to-date She is gifted with wisdom make rasional decision for people of Malaysia than PM, TPM and cabinet members. Please stay and support her at all costs.
Love Malaysia

Anonymous said...

PM Najib despite much doubt cast upon him initially performed well.

As a professional working in the financial sector, I truly appreciate his initiatives like doing away Bumiputera 30% equity holdings, relaxation of foreign ownership of fund houses etc.

I lauded his every move when he noted the great need to revamp NEP and doing away the many hurdles like getting rid of FIC etc. Indeed, it did go down well with foreign investors wanting to invest in Malaysia. 3 weeks ago, I was in invest Malaysia forum held in Shang Ri La Hotel where he officiated. Fund managers, bankers and foreign investors alike were delighted at the reforms and commended on his bold moves....

However, his wisdom lasted till the 100th day... when he announced the reversion to BM for teaching of science and maths! I was so disturbed by it. How can our PM be so short term minded and dumb to agree to such reversion?

He doesnt seem to appreciate his days in St John when everything was in English when the standard of education was at it best. Perhaps, he could not be bothered after all his family members like his younger brother, Nazir Razak, group CEO of CIMB was actually educated in Alice Smith International School. His children were sent to Washington and UK to further their studies despite claiming Malaysia education system is world class and local universities have produced doctors educated entirely in Malay.

I have experienced our entirely Malay educated doctors who could hardly utter a word of English and literally took a pencil to test my pulse! World class education system, my foot!

For the ordinary Rakyat, please support our Sekolah Kebangsann. Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa!

Anonymous said...

My 3 sons :
8 yr (SK Subang Jaya)
6 (reg for SK Subang Jaya)
4 (Kindy)
I dread the day my eldest goes to Form 1, in 2013 and switch to BM, my 2nd when he gets to Year 4 and switch to BM, and my youngest when he goes to school and has to learn everything in BM.
Just for the record, so much is being done to help the Sc & Mt teachers to upgrade themselves, so much money involved, so much time spent by English teachers to coach them if necessary. Is all that going to waste?

Zee said...


My friend (also a mother) says this is a useless exercise. I have written to every blog imaginable, PM's blog, Ong Tee Keat's blog & even to the MOE. I called that number too. She told me that this is a pointless exercise and is the government's way to get us all to vent our frustration till we all cool down.

PAGE, please tell us what we can do differently to. If the media is not giving us any voice, we need to do something urgently

Anonymous said...

1st son
Age: 14
Sch: Beaconhouse Sri Inai, PJ
Year: Form 2

2nd son
Age: 13
Sch: Beaconhouse Sri Inai, PJ
Year: Form 1

Age: 11
Sch: Beaconhouse Sri Inai, PJ
Year: Std 5

My 2nd son was the 1st batch of PPSMI students when it was implemented in 2003. When come to 2012, he will be in Form 4. Can't imagine how those poor kids cope with teaching Maths & Sc in BM after 10 years of using English to learn both subjects.

Anonymous said...

Name : Joevy Sum Jia Yin
Age : 11
School : SK Convent Kajang
Town : Kajang

Anonymous said...

From what is seen and heard, the government is not giving any options for the victims (parents and children) and is very stubborn about the decision.Can somebody out there arrange a gathering for parents and students to show our support for PPSMI. If the gathering materialized,please find a way to inform all concerned. Please note that the media coverage on this is very limited and not to our advantage.

PAGE Malaysia said...

Dear parents,

For security reasons, we have deleted the names of all children and your comments are now re-posted here and we apologize for the inconvenience caused:-

June Ho said..

Age: 8
School: SK Bukit Damansara
Town: Kuala Lumpur

Age: 14
School: SMK Seri Hartamas
Town: Kuala Lumpur
June Ho said...
July 14, 2009 10:03 PM
J Doss said...

Age : 8
School : Beaconhouse, Sri Inai
Town : Petaling Jaya

Age : 4
Town : Petaling Jaya
July 14, 2009 11:34 PM

kamala said...
Age: 12
School: SK Taman Desa 2
Town : Rawang

Age : 9
School : SJK (T) Rawang
Town Rawang
July 15, 2009 8:15 AM

Anonymous said...
Fully support PPSMI. Please revert your decision to revert back to Bahasa Malaysia.

Age : 13
School : SMK Pusat Bandar Puchong 1
Town : Puchong

Age : 9
School : SK Pusat Bandar Puchong 2
Town : Puchong
July 15, 2009 8:49 AM

PAGE Malaysia said...

Dear parents,

For security reasons, we have deleted the names of all children and your comments are now re-posted here and we apologize for the inconvenience caused:-

johnooi said...

Age: 13
School: SMK Perempuan Methodist Ipoh
Town: Ipoh
July 15, 2009 9:09 AM
ping hieng said...
What a waste of money for the taxpayer money? I totally disagree with what the present Government is doing. I totally support Tun Mahartiand many others that we all should master English. Ask the politians where do they send their kids to study? in private/international school or government school?

Age: 18
School: SMK Methodist
Town: Sibu, Sarawak

Age: 17
School: SMK Methodist
Town: Sibu

Age: 15
School: SMK Methodist
Town: Sibu

Age: 11
School: SJK(C) Methodist
Town: Sibu
July 15, 2009 9:10 AM

Yee said...

Age: 10
School: SJK (C) Connaught
Town; Kuala Lumpur

Keep up the good work!
July 15, 2009 9:15 AM

Parames said...
I fully support PPSMI.Government can still give option in all schools for parents to choose the medium of instruction, not only choose certain participating schools.Pls be fair to all students no matter what school they are in. I have my elder son in Private Preschool in Johor currently and he will be in Std 1 in 2012, I also have my nephews and niece studying in Vernacular schools . Pls do something.

Age : 4 years
School : Preschool-Nuri Education
Town: Skudai, Johor

Age: 8 years
School: SJK(T)Gopeng
Town: Gopeng , Perak

Age : 7 years
School : SJK(T) Gopeng
Town : Gopeng Perak

Age:6 years
School: SJK(T) Gopeng
Town: Gopeng , Perak
July 15, 2009 9:25 AM

PAGE Malaysia said...

Dear parents,

For security reasons, we have deleted the names of all children and your comments are now re-posted here and we apologize for the inconvenience caused:-

Angela said...

Age: 9
School: SJK Damansara Cina
Town: Petaling Jaya

Age: 8
School: SJK Damansara Cina
Town: Petaling Jaya

Lauren will get A for Maths & Science(M&S) exams in English but C for M&S exams in Chinese. Her BM grade ranges from C to B. If she were to sit for M&S in BM, her overall score would go down.

My children are studying in the national Chinese school because I want them to learn all the 3 languages.

I think all those children who had started learning M&S in English should be given an option to continue to learn them in English until Form 5.

After 2012, those who want to continue learning M&S in English (for both primary & secondary school) should be in the same class so that they will have their extra classes in English for M&S.
July 15, 2009 9:26 AM

jade said...

Age : 8
School : SK Sacred Heart Convent
Town : Malacca

Age : 8
Town : Malacca

I hope all these effort will not be in vain!
July 15, 2009 9:30 AM

.ani said...

Age: 9 (UPSR in 2012)
School: SK Puteri
Town: Seremban

Age: 7
School: SK Puteri
Town: Seremban

I had my Malay friends who are saying why not introduce school that are English medium all the way like it was back in the old days before the change from English Medium to Malay - I think that might give us all the options without having to fork out in private or international schools - same syllabus - give the children a chance to excel in the language they and their parents can help with - dunno if anyone agrees.
July 15, 2009 9:31 AM

Jahufar said...

Age: 8 years
School: SJK TTDI 2
Town: Kuala Lumpur
July 15, 2009 9:33 AM

Yee said...

Age: 12
School: SRJK (C) Jalan Imbi
Town: Kuala Lumpur

Age: 9
School: SRJ (C) Connaught
Town: Kuala Lumpur
July 15, 2009 9:41 AM

jade said...
I SO agree with you Ani! In fact i was just thinking about it..

When the news just came out, we were seriously considering transferring our children to an international school or perhaps move them to singapore..where the medium is in english and not influenced by political propaganda!

It seems that the language schools are supporting their own cause....perhaps it will be good to have 4 types of schools; in english, malay, chinese and tamil to lessen the dispute. UPSR, PMR, SPM can be conducted in 4 languages.

Parents can have a choice to put their children to a language school of their preference. Those parents who wishes their children to further education overseas (e.g UK, US, AUS) will definitely put their child to an english school right from Primary 1 in order not to confuse the poor kid!
July 15, 2009 9:52 AM

PAGE Malaysia said...

Dear parents,

For security reasons, we have deleted the names of all children and your comments are now re-posted here and we apologize for the inconvenience caused:-

Mahes said...
I have 2 boys :

Age: 9
School: SK USJ 2
Town: Subang Jaya

Age: 8
School: SK USJ 2
Town: Subang Jaya

Both my sons are in sekolah kebangsaan simply because its convenient and i want them to mix with all races. Of course, the other is, i can't afford to send them to private or international schools. But they do go for tuition - both Tamil and Mandarin. If they do revert to Bahasa Malaysia, it should only be for Primary School starting with Year 1. A study should instead be done to remove unnecessary subjects which doesn't bring any value - Moral Studies for example. And why do students have to study for Physical Education? What happened to good old fun PE? So instead of spending money for such a stupid move, use it to upgrade the standard of scools and do a survey if the other subjects are really useful. (eg. my sons school doesn't even have a proper assembly area - they sit on tarred road during assembly everyday and there is no school hall as well).
And can we get a poll of how many of our ministers and prominent people send their children to the SK from Std. 1 through Form 6 and then to local u? I bet it will almost ZERO.
July 15, 2009 9:57 AM
Anonymous said...

Age: 12
School: SJKC Yuk Chai Petaling Jaya
Town: Petaling Jaya

Age: 16
School: SMK Taman SEA Petaling Jaya
Town: Petaling Jaya

Age: 17
School: SMK Taman SEA Petaling Jaya
Town: Petaling Jaya

Age: 12
School: SJKC Yuk Chai Petaling Jaya
Town: Petaling Jaya

Age: 11
School: SJKC Yuk Chai Petaling Jaya
Town: Petaling Jaya

Age: 12
School: SJKC Yuk Chai Petaling Jaya
Town: Petaling Jaya
July 15, 2009 10:06 AM

PAGE Malaysia said...

Dear parents,

For security reasons, we have deleted the names of all children and your comments are now re-posted here and we apologize for the inconvenience caused:-

bryan said...

School: Primary in Kelana Jaya, Selangor
Age: 12 (P6)
PPSMI : 1st batch of PPSMI from Std 1

In 2012, i will be in Form 3 still under PPSMI, then in Form 4, i will be forced by the Government to do Maths & Science in Bahasa. I definitely will not be able to understand these subjects in Bahasa as Maths & Science are not language subjects, they are technical subjects with a lot of technical terms.
It is not making sense to make us switch to Bahasa after doing PPSMI for 10 year in 2012!How do you expect us to cope, not only us, even the teachers, i think would have problem teaching in Bahasa.How come these people in the Government have no brains to think. We study in local Malaysian schools, not like those rich powerful people in the Government who send all their children overseas to study in English and then come back to Malaysia to become big corporate leader and politicians with big big bungalows and titles.We have to struggle here and after study, cannot even get a proper job! How to become an astronaut if Maths & Science are in Bahasa?Who would understand us and how are we to communicate with other people in other countries. So, we have to bring a translator wherever we go, ah? Stupidest decision in the whole planet!If Governmen want to scrap PPSMI, then it should only apply to those starting from Std 1 in 2012, so that there is enough time to train teachers to teach these children.
If Government still force us to switch to Bahasa when i am in Form 4, then i will not continue school, i will drop out of school after Form 3 and better lepak in cybercafe, all in English!!Good luck & goodbye to the education future in Malaysia.Jom, let's go to Australia or Singapore (in 2012, there will be a Disneyland in Singapore, better still, let Malaysia become like Indonesia and let Indonesians come to Malaysia and cause havoc & terrorism in Malaysia. We non Malays will be in better, more cultured, no fanatism, non-racist developed countries.If PPSMI abolish this country will become either like Indonesia or worse than that, or be like Iraq...war torn country war among the politicians).My saddest day of my life,if without PPSMI.i LOVE this country. Please, PAGE do something about this to make Govenment change their mind!!!!Thank you & God Bless You & PAGE to bring success & good news. P.S. How come our politicians can tell us what to study.Are they our Parents?? How come they can force people like that.Education is not their business, it is our business. Ask them mind their own business. Don't BOSS US AROUND,man.
July 15, 2009 10:20 AM
Anonymous said...
I have a son and daughter aged 5 & 3 respectively. Coming from an Engilsh speaking family, I was really disturbed by the government's decision. I feel that I will not be able to contribute to my children's learning as I would not be able to teach or guide them in their studies in BM. Give consideration to people like us who just want a fair chance for our children to succeed! All mediums of instruction(for the teaching of math & science)be it in BM, Chinese and Tamil have been catered to but NOT ENGLISH! If the government wants to be fair, then show it by bringing in the option of English! Now even private schools have to follow the rule, so what other options do parents have????

Age : 5
School: Kinderland, Sri Hartamas, KL

Age: 3
School: Kinderland
July 15, 2009 10:27 AM

PAGE Malaysia said...

Dear parents,

For security reasons, we have deleted the names of all children and your comments are now re-posted here and we apologize for the inconvenience caused:-

Connie said...
Fully support PPSMI.

Age : 8
School : SK Taman Megah
Town : Petaling Jaya

Age : 4
July 15, 2009 10:31 AM
Eugene said...

Age : 8 yrs
School : SK Pusat Bandar Puchong 2
Town : Puchong

The rights of Urban children must NOT be suppresssed by children from so-called Rural areas.Children from Urban areas must not be burdened by the prejudices of parents from rural areas or fickle-mindedness of our politicians.Parents must be given an option on which medium they wish to educate their children in schools.We cannot surrender this Right to our politicians.The future of our children should not be subject to the whims and fancies of politicians.

Children from Rural areas can be given the option of learning Science/Maths in BM at Primary Schools if they are really unable to follow their lessons in English or due to the teacher's poor command of the English language.

From Secondary school onwards ALL schools must conduct lessons on Science/Maths in English.Otherwise the Government is just paying lip-service to improving the command of English among our school children.
July 15, 2009 10:33 AM

Anonymous said...
This is my 2 cents worth. The decline in proficiency and usage of English language will have an impact on the future progress of our children. In my capacity to hire, i have interviewed many local graduates and diploma holders, and also foreign grads. The foreign graduates always fared better in self confidence when they expressed themselves. The local grads may have better or sterling results but their inability to converse proficiently in English dampens their confidence when the interview is conducted in Engligh language. You can make guess which candidate will be hired an the end of the day! Academic excellence do guarantee good jobs. Like it or not, i believe, most job interviews are done in this international language. In this regard, by having extra subjects taught in English, this will be a force to drive both students and parents to place greater emphasis on the learning of English language. The rural kids and urban kids whose parents are not educated or proficient in Engligh may abhor this but is passing exams more important or the reality of the job market language demand? Sometimes we have to be 'cruel' to be kind. Let's give
July 15, 2009 10:47 AM

PAGE Malaysia said...

Dear parents,

For security reasons, we have deleted the names of all children and your comments are now re-posted here and we apologize for the inconvenience caused:-

Anonymous said...
Age: 17, SMK St Georges
Age: 15, SMK St Georges, SK Minden Height,

The concept of 1Malaysia calls for inclusive policies, including the need to cater to those English-speaking Malaysians of all races - Malays, Chinese, Indians and others who want their children to continue schooling in English for Maths and Science in the future.

By closing down the English stream, the Govt is succumbing to polilitically-motivated interest groups GPMS, Dong Zhiao Zong and others without hearing the voices of the English-speaking constituents.

I interpret the declining mastery of Math and Science in the last few years simply as a fact of the English-educated Maths and Science teachers retiring from the scene, and the proportion of BM-educated teachers growing in proportion and unable to deliver the goods. We need 12 years of schooling, and a further 3 years of undergraduate studies to produce an English-educated Maths and Science teacher. It takes another 3 to 5 years for these teachers to make an impact on the students.

Therefore a policy reversal before 18-20 years of implementation of PPSMI is too hasty a action. It is a mid-implementation policy reversal, and an impending policy disaster in making.

This has got to be the second biggest policy mistake ever, the biggest mistake being the mistake of switching to BM in Maths and Science in the first place in the late 1970s.

I still remember how I struggled to cope with the switch to BM, studying Engineering in UM, in 1982, after spending 12 years studying Maths and Science in English. There was no BM text books, and to answer in BM we had to rely on lecture notes in BM pass our exams, leaving little or no time to read English texts. The only tool we had was a thin English-BM Engineering glossary booklet.

I fear for the country's future - what kind of progress can a country make under such circumstances?

Our former PM Mahathir is right - we will all become "stupid" as a result of this stupid decision.

Maybe it will be better off for our country if our Deputy PM switches back to helm the Agricultural and Rural Affairs Ministry than the Education Ministry.

We need a more visionary and courageous leader, one who will not succumb or run away at the first sign of trouble and when the going gets tough.
July 15, 2009 10:52 AM

Anonymous said...

Age: 4 years old
(entering Year 1 in 2012)
State: Sarawak
City: Kuching

I'd definitely like the PPSMI to be maintained and fine-tuned instead of abolishing it altogether.

July 15, 2009 10:58 AM

Anonymous said...

I learned about PAGE when I visited my panel Dr. on July16 ’09 morning. While sharing about the govt’s. current silly move to revert to BM, he immediately passed me this site add. The rest is history…..

Me and my family FULLY support PPSMI including our neighbors, friends and relatives.
Funny thing is only malays are known to go against this. Of course there are some malay liberal parents who understood the benefit of this program but that too is just a handful. But then majority of malays are still totally against it. Am seeing this in the below forum that belonged to Pemuda Pas Dungun who is also it’s webmaster. Pls check out the site here

Once you are in, here is the forum topic that I have created to put sense into their thick skull. Forum title is ….PPSMI harus dikekalkan atas sebab.....

Here is the actual forum link, pls visit the forum to support my lone effort to champion this monumental task of liberating the malays……to make them see the truth and NOT cowing to BN[ Binasa Negara’s] silly agenda.

As much as I have put effort after learning from the good Dr. about PAGE and its activities, I wished for ALL true comrades who visit PAGE to defend this noble cause to be firm and stomp your foot down, believe me THIS IS IT!!!..JUST DO IT… tranungkite is a free site just join and support me ….my username is mystiq over there.
Am not promoting TKO or what , I just want ppl to come and support the topic debate which is going on there right now…..who are against PPSMI….can you believe it? In future if there any similar crusade or you an article critical of the powers that be , pls keep me posted at July17 ’09. 110pm

Here is my youngest kid details ;

Brandon Jude
SK Alma Jaya , Bkt Mertajam
Age =11
Town = BM, Penang

MamaJo said...

I fully support PPSMI!!

7 years old
SJK (C) Sin Min, Puchong
Location: Puchong, Bandar Bukit Puchong


Sega Blues said...

Fully support PPSMI or atleast should be for sencondary.

Daughter 9, Son 6.
SK Sri Andalas, Klang.

Fairly Confused said...

Fully support PPSMI or at least at secondary level

Daughter 12, Son 10

Anonymous said...

Fully support PPSMI or at least at secondary level

Daughters 10 and 8
SRK St.Francis Convent, Kota Kinabalu


Michelle YY Lim said...

I'm a form 3 student in Puchong. My younger brother is in Std 2.

I'm speaking on the behalf of my brother and people I know who oppose the government's decision to revert M&S back to Bahasa.

I know that the government's decision won't affect me because I'll be out of school by 2012, but I really can't bear to see the younger ones struggle in school. If PPSMI is the reason why most rural students (which is a minority of students nationwide) can't cope with Maths and Science, why not improve the standard of the English teaching in schools rather than reverting it to Bahasa?

Why the government is fixing something that is not even broken?

Majority of students, teachers, and parents say NO, but yet the government is still keen on its decision. The 1Malaysia concept cannot be achieved this way. It's a very well-condemned decision, I have to say.

English IS the international language. Like it or not, the Malaysian government has to accept this fact. We are all living in a fast-paced world, and English is gradually getting more and more important. PPSMI is a way to improve our command of English as we students use it on a daily basis. EST itself cannot make up for the fact tha Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Add Maths and Modern Maths will be taught in Bahasa, and the English teaching in school isn't conducted in a very efficient way either.

I've got many things to say about the education system recently. It was complete horror when I discovered that English is not a MUST PASS for SPM, and the govt's decision to revert M&S back to Bahasa is adding oil into the fire. These really provoked not only me, my family and my friends, but also my teachers and people I know.

What happened to our education system? Things were fine in Dr. Mahathir's time, but look at what happened today. The govt isn't hearing our voices nor taking our views into consideration. No wonder Malaysians are getting angrier and angrier day by day. The govt said that it'll save millions of ringgit by reverting M&S but they never weigh their priorities firstly. Which is more important, the amount of money that can be saved or the future of our young generation?

The teachers' proficiency in teaching M&S in English is also another issue. Most teachers cannot teach M&S in English as good as how they'll do in Bahasa. If the govt think it's decision can solve this problem, I have to say they're WRONG. Why students have to be scapegoats when the teachers are the ones having problems? The whole education thing is not about teachers, it's about us STUDENTS. And by reverting M&S back to Bahasa, it'll just make the situation worse. The student in rural areas won't be any good in English as they're supposed to be, and the students in urban areas can't benefit anything from it! This is completely unfair.

We are not denying our love for our country if we learn M&S in English. Infact we are actually improving our country's competence in Science and Techonology in the eyes of the world for the sake of it's future. It's a long term effect, but before it's results can be seen, the govt decided to revert everything back to how it was again. Why give up when things are progressing well so far?

Some terms in Science just sound so wrong in Bahasa. For example, 'detoxification' (penyahtoksikan). The word 'toksik' is derived from the word 'toxic' in English. SEE HOW IMPORTANT AND ORIGINAL ENGLISH IS? Even Bahasa has to derive thousands of terms from English. It'll take me days to write down the entire list of Bahasa terms in Science that are derived from English, seriously.

I salute PAGE for supporting PPSMI and creating this post as a medium for us to channel our views to the world.

The govt's decision is plainly useless, and baseless. A thousand hard-core critics for reverting M&S back to Bahasa.

Once again, I FERVIDLY oppose the govt's decision in reverting Maths and Science back to Bahasa.

AprilGirl said...

Doesn't anybody noticed something is not REALLY right after our DSNTR's 100 days in office is suddenly going down some rakyat's rating... 1st. The PPSMI sudden abolishment . 2nd. The transport fares going up by 30% .3rd Next week the tabling of Power tariff increase...
Anymore shockers coming our way that we are not expecting ? We are already reeling on the PPSMI & frankly after reading today's newspaper, my heart sank. Who are these so-called NGOs, the media, political parties, PTA, teaching unions & interested parties ? Do they even
represent us who are really more concerned for our
children or in fact the future of all Malaysian childrens
grasp of English as the global language or the other fact
that is , Mathematics & Science have terms that are more
easier to memerise than they are in BM. Also there are
more subjects that are already in BM ( ie Pri Sch -BM
PMoral KTempatan KHidup PSivic PJasmani Kesihatan ) &
just 1 English ...+ soon to be reverted M & Sc ... & who
could have said that BM is losing ground... BM is & always
be our national language ... but English is the GLOBAL

So all I just want to say is ... retain PPSMI or give us
parents childrens teachers a choice to retain PPSMI in selected schools, in that way we can say or dare say ... the
option of sending our children to Spore or international
schools to continue learning in English will be farthest in
any parents' mind.

Anonymous said...

Fully support PPSMI. Will support PAGEs action to reinstate PPSMI. Have 3 children ages 7,11 and 12 in SRK Tmn Sri Gombak I and SRK in Tmn Sri Gombak II, Batu Caves Selangor.

Education Minister blatantly says decision to reverse PPSMI is final, so what the heck is that hotline for???? Hotline should have been there before decision was made!!!

Anonymous said...

I fully support teaching of Maths & Science In ENGLISH. My son is form One SMKDHAB Kepala Batas SPU. If the Education Ministry still refuses to listen us all concerned parents. Can PAGE consider taking LEGAL remedy by filing a case against MoE for willfully witholding our childrens chances of getting better employments

Anonymous said...

My daughter started school in 2004. She was not exposed to Bahasa at all.We had a Sri Lankan maid who spoke English and we are English speaking family. When she went to school, all her friends and teachers laughed at her. She did not understand the language at all. We all know the standard of Bahasa. Today I am proud to say that she is the top in her class for both Pemahaman and Penulisan.How did she overcome her setback? It all boils down to attitude of the parents, teachers and the students themselves. Teachers and parents need to help the child not the government.

I support PSSMI.

Anonymous said...

I am a mother of 3 boys, all under 12 years old. I do not claim to have perfect English profiency but I do know that I am appalled at our government's decision and shudder to think of what my children's future would be in this country. I also recruit new employees for my organisation and I feel sorry for our local graduates who boast of excellent transcripts but could hardly put together a proper line in English! Our country is not going to achieve Vision 2020, we are moving backwards - shame on the government!!

Unknown said...

Dear Parents,

I feel for all of you. We need all the help we can get. Please try to convene an EGM to pass a resolution to retain PPSMI in your school. Failing this, start a signature campaign. Once this is done, please contact us so that we can compile and forward to the PM.

May Ong said...

I am a mother of 2 girls:
1) Age:7, SJK(C) Yak Chee, Puchong.
2) Age:4

For the sake of ALL Malaysians, please maintain PPSMI.

Unknown said...

Child: 8 years old Sri Sempurna Cheras

To the Education Department of Malaysia - STOP meddling with my child's education!! We want Science and Maths to continue in English! I was one of those in the "statistics" who suffered due to politics. Please stop meddling with my child's future!! Thank you!

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