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Monday, December 21, 2009

Send out a clear message on PPSMI

NST 2009/12/18

IN place of the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English, better known as PPSMI, the Education Ministry has introduced the policy "Upholding the Malay Language and Strengthening the Command of English" (also known by the Malay acronym MBMMBI).

There are obvious flaws in this policy which the education minister should address.

Firstly, every linguist will tell us that the way to mastering any language is through exposure, exposure and exposure.

PPSMI exposes students to English and allows them to practise the language by application. Eliminating PPSMI and introducing MBMMBI will reduce English exposure time from 41 per cent to 21 per cent of total learning time. Thus, MBMMBI will further weaken the command of English of our future generation.

Evidence of this is obvious. Since Bahasa Malaysia replaced English as the medium of instruction in schools in the early 1970s, the standard of English of Malaysian students has dropped drastically to the extent that even local university graduates are rendered unemployable due to their poor English communication skills.

Secondly, MBMMBI will eliminate scientific English and replace it with "scientific" Malay words, the majority of which are actually nothing more than "Malay-fied" English terms such as "oksida", "fotosintesis", "silinder", etc Trouble comes when these terms are not "Malay-fied", for example, "segitiga sama kaki" which means isosceles triangle. It is a common joke by professors at foreign universities to brand our students as coming from the "Land of the Same Leg Triangle".

Many Malaysian students are experiencing difficulties coping with tertiary studies, even in local universities and UiTM where English is the medium of instruction. It doesn't help when one hears that lecturers are forced to pass low-performing students or face dismissal.

As such, MBMMBI will produce incompetent engineers, doctors and technicians.

Thirdly, it intends to introduce mathematical and scientific terms in English lessons to make up for the loss of PPSMI. According to the education minister, Science and Mathematics teachers have failed under PPSMI. Therefore, wouldn't it be illogical to expect our non-technical English teachers to explain mathematical and scientific terms and jargon? Worse, it would be out of context.

Fourthly, under MBMMBI, Bahasa Malaysia would be the only main language spoken and mastered and English would be relegated to a distant second place. As it is, nationalists have labelled English as a colonialist language and criticised those who want to learn in English as traitors. Unfortunately, there will be some hapless folk who will be influenced and misguided by these bigoted "patriots".

Many Malaysians have already moved their children to international schools and more have shifted abroad. We, the common people, would have to find creative ways to escape this political charade, to escape from the "Land of the Same Leg Triangle".

Incidentally, the Hong Kong government has just announced that half of its secondary schools will switch its medium of instruction from Mandarin to English, including specifically, the teaching and learning of Science.

We, the parents, must take matters into our own hands. Insist on a resolution to maintain PPSMI in your children's schools at the next annual general meeting of your parent-teacher association.

Come out loud to send the message to our education minister.

for Parent Action Group for Education (Page)



page-azimah said...

Rally the parents at your school to submit an "USUL" for the forthcoming AGM that PPSMI be continued at your school.

Anonymous said...

Adakah selama ini, doktor-doktor dan jurutera-jurutera yang belajar sains dan matematik dalam BM (sebelum PPSMI) tidak menepati piawaian? Ini tuduhan yang serius.

Jebat Tak Derhaka.

Anonymous said...

Very simple:-
(1) in primary schools: have mother-tongue as medium of instruction, i.e. Chinese/Tamil in respective vernacular primary schools in all learning subjects except BM and English as language subjects.

(2) in all government secondary schools: just English as medium of instruction for all learning subjects, including Maths/Science/History/Geography/etc, except BM/Chinese/Tamil as language subjects.

Anonymous said...

obviously jtd does not know that english is the language of engineering in malaysia.all references ie books,internet,software,code of practice are in english and most of these have not been translated into bm. unless you are employed in the public sector you won't see drawings and calculations in bm. even in jkr engineering design calculations are in english. those who brag about doctors & engineers who did their studies in bm do not realise that at professional level english is of utmost importance & this is where the engineers will suffer.correspondances,engineering calculations & technical meetings are in english. over the last 30 yrs less than 50 books on all branches of engineering have been translated into bm. in the IT era i'm doubtful that dbp & ITN will be able to catch up with the translation's a case of geometric progression vs arithmetic progression. in other words if your english is not up to the mark you won't get by the 1st ostacle in getting a job as an engineer ie job interviews are conducted in english. so fresh graduates will be hoping to land a job in the public sector,failing that would be catastrophic.unfortunately most of them are malays....can you help them out jtd?

Anonymous said...

Kebanyakan pelajar universiti, tidak menggunakan masa sebaik-baiknya untuk meningkatkan keupayaan diri (kebolehan teknikal, kebolehan berbahasa).

Komputer seorang sebuah dengan sambungan internet, tapi apa yang mereka buat, Friendster, Facebook, TAGGED, YM, IRC dan sebagainya. Saya tahu sebab sepanjang masa saya menyelia budak praktikal. Tambah pulak ada telefon bimbit. Suka perpeleseran.

Bagi graduan IT, bila suruh buat pengaturcaraan, mereka kata tak minat, tak reti. Masa saya belajar dulu, nak guna komputer, kena tunggu giliran. Tapi kita mampu kuasai pengaturcaraan.

Kelemahan dan kekurangan mereka sendiri yang memilihnya. Nasib merekalah kalau lepas tu kena arak fail kehulu kehilir cari kerja. PPSMI atau bukan PPSMI, sama saja. Tuhan tak merubah nasib seseorang melainkan mereka sendiri yang merubah nasib.

Jebat Tak Derhaka

Anonymous said...

obviously jtd is still in denial mode, refusing to accept the fact that weakness in communicating in english is the main cause of graduates being unemployed, followed by wrong attitude which jtd keeps stressing as the main reason. unfortunately most of them are malays... after 11 years of schooling they still cannot write or speak basic english. how to get a job? all advertisements on job vacancies (engineers,architects, lawyers, accountants & other professional posts) are in the english dailies. you don't always find such advertisements daily in malay dailies. since malay graduates can only read malay dailies, they would seldom get a chance to apply for a well paid job being advertised in the malay dailies.

Anonymous said...

Ini mesti kes, nak paksa kuda minum air ni. Mana boleh. Nak heret ke sungai boleh.

Anonymous said...

"Same Leg" Triangle menunjukkan kelemahan BI yang tak mampu mencipta istilah ke atas "iso skeles". Maka dipinjamkan daripada bahasa lain dan diinggeriskan.

Seronok juga tengok Datin buat kelakar sekali sekala.

Anonymous said...

nothing funny when you don't know english technical terms in an engineering meeting. nothing funny either if you cannot answer questions in english during a job interview when applying for a job in the private sector. how marketable are graduates who cannot communicate in english when applying for jobs in the private sector? as good as useless. unfortunately most of them are monolingual malays.... can you help them jtd?

PPSMI Boleh said...

Yes, JTD and his cronies can help them by employing them. Problem is that those cronies are lazy and want to siphon the money without working hard. Even Petronas money can dry up. It is survival of the fittest, irrespective of race, colour, creed in the spirit of 1Malaysia. PAGE truely represents it

Anonymous said...

jtd wants to know if the engineers educated in bm are of substandard quality. if they work in the govt sector they would survive. but if their english communication skills are below par, they would be a pain in the neck for their bosses in the private sector even if their bosses are malays. why? simply because calculations, technical reports, correspondances & work instructions are in english. of course & unfortunately, most of them are malays.... let jtd find jobs for them.

Anonymous said...

Ada ramai kawan saya yang belajar di era sebelum PPSMI. Ramai yang boleh bekerja di syarikat multinasional termasuk di luar negara.

Bagi yang Islam, rezeki Allah yang tentukan. Kita hanya perlu berusaha tanpa putus asa.

Anonymous said...

that's the minority who work in mnc. but a lot are struggling to get jobs in the private sector due to weaknesses in communicating in english. how about the 80,000 unemployed graduates where the main reason for unemployment is weakness in enlish. this is the conclusion of studies from various organisations. check it up in the net. you can make a million efforts but if the basic requirement is fluency in english, you won't get pass the the 1st interview if your english is pathetic. don't tell me your friends who work overseas only use bm to get the job.

Anonymous said...

Ramai yang tidak melalui PPSMI pun begitu fasih BI. Persoalannya:

(a) Adakah hanya dengan PPSMI (dan tiada lagi cara lain) untuk seseorang fasih BI. Jawab YA atau TIDAK?

(b) Kenapa matlamat PPSMI seperti tiang gol yang berubah. Ada masanya PPSMI bagi tujuan untuk menguasai Sains dan Teknologi hingga peringkat tertinggi. Ada masanya bagi tujuan menajamkan kefasihan BI.

Bagi tujuan yang pertama, tiada negara yang maju menggunakan bahasa asing. Fakta ini tidak pernah disanggah oleh mana-mana pihak.

Bagi tujuan yang kedua, rujuk balik (a).

Tak mustahil, kenapa Kementerian memansuhkan PPSMI. Sebab matlamatnya tak jelas, kabur, bercelaru dan menyebabkan sistem pendidikan kacau bilau.

Mengenai graduan yang menganggur, ada banyak faktor. Peluang kerja yang terhad. Kalau peluang kerja banyak, takde masalah. Sbb syarikat terpaksa ambil juga. Mengenai kefasihan BI, ia boleh digilap. Macam pelajar nak keluar negara, atau pegawai yang masuk perkhidmatan Diplomatik, ada kursus intensif BI.

Mengapa masih perlu PPSMI?

Jebat Tak Derhaka

Anonymous said...

isosceles berasal dari bahasa Greek, isos + skelos. isos = equal (sama), sceles = leg (kaki). Bermakna sama kaki laa!! Takkan kita nak tukar "isoskeles", nanti kata "Malay-fied" pulakkkk

1) "oxide" berasal dari French, "oxide".

2) "photosynthesis" berasal dari German, "photosynthese", gabungan perkataan "photo" (bermaksud light) dan "synthesis" (bermakud collection).

3) "cylinder" berasal dari Greek, "kylindros", yang bermaksud "to roll". Kemudian diterjemah oleh Latin, "cylindrus", kemudian diterjemah oleh French, "cylindre", kemudian diterjemah oleh English, "cylinder", kemudian diterjemah oleh BM, "silinder".

Kesimpulannya, istilah Sains dan Matematik berubah mengikut bahasa masing-masing, tetapi maksudnya tetap sama! Yang berbeza hanyalah huruf, perkataan, dan bunyi.

Belajar sejarah bahasa dulu, baru tahu sebenarnya bukan bahasa Inggeris sahaja yang menjadi bahasa ilmu.

- Prof Sains, Matematik, dan Linguistik -

Anonymous said...

Terima kasih dan Tahniah Pro Sains, Matematik dan Linguistik.

Natijahnya, kalau nak berjuang, mestilah tahu asas perjuangan (kena tahu sejarah dan asal usul). Kalau tak tahu, pejuang yang buta. Bayangkan kalau pejuang buta, Senang-senang aje kena belasah.

Jebat Tak Derhaka

PPSMI Boleh said...

JTD is correct to say that "peluang kerja yang terhad" is one of the factors for the unemployed graduates. If you are an employer, I am sure you would want to hire the best and you choose your best based on factors like qualification, experience, attitude, etc. Let's say you have a vacancy and you have to 3 candidates to choose. All three have the same qualities. one is good only in BM, second good only in English and the third is good in both BM and English. An obvious choice would be the third candidate but this would depend on the needs of your organization and the job. If there is a fourth candidate who is good in BM, ENglsh, Japanese, and a few other languages, he would of course have a better advantage.

We may all be "kataks" and once out of the "tempurung" we are still in the "animal kingdom" where it is the "survival of the fittest". Our biggest obstacle is that to continue to be in "denial mode". You may want to call it as "kiasu" but we have to accept the fact that the world is getting smaller and more competitive. I for sure would not want my children to be one of the statistics to the unemployed graduates. Someone passed to me recently the data that more than 40,000 unemployed graduates. I am sure JTD and company would like to spend their time usefully analysing further as to why these 40,000 graduates are unemployed. Do find out about their language competency. It may be (but not totally) be a reason for not being employed

Anonymous said...

jtd seems to believe that you can polish your english after graduation. if after 11 yrs of schooling the english level is mediocre, how do these graduates improve their english when they are called for interviews? there are lots of cases where top students are called for interviews & rejected due to their poor command of english. unfortunately most of them are malays... it's also no secret that there are diplomatic officers whose command of english leaves much to be desired. greek & arabic were at one time the language of knowledge but currently the language of knowledge & business is english whether you like it or not.

Anonymous said...

Tiada yang mustahil dalam dunia ini kalau kita berusaha.

Masing-masing tahu apa keperluan masing-masing.

Kenapa mesti desak orang lain buat itu ini untuk kita. Desak dikekalkan PPSMI, dll.

Sedangkan kita sendiri yang boleh buat untuk diri sendiri kalau kita ingin maju.

Kenapa mesti takut? Orang takut adalah orang yang berkeyakinan. Kalau tiada keyakinan, boleh berjayakah?

Anonymous said...

can also be interpreted as why fear ppsmi? with effort it can also be successful. if science & maths can be taught in bm & english then we can see who would have the advantage later on, those who studied science & maths in bm or those who studied them in english. page only wants ppsmi to be implemented in selected shools, why force them accept the reversal of ppsmi just because rural kids are left behind - at least that's the reason given. actually the rural kids are left behind before ppsmi & they will always be left behind due to socio-economic factors.

Anonymous said...

once again jtd is in denial mode. the main reason as to why graduates are unemployed is due to their weakness in communicating in english. after that comes other factors ie attitude, availability of jobs, relevancy of qualifications etc

Anonymous said...

Bukan mengenai takut PPSMI. Tapi kita ada BM yang boleh digunakan dan dinaikkan martabatnya. Dua perkara atau kepentingan berbeza.

Apa maknanya status Bahasa Kebangsaan kalau asas mengira pun di sekolah kerajaan guna bahasa asing.

Anda semua FAHAM? Orang cerdik mesti faham. Orang tak cerdik, takleh nak buat apa? Malulah jadi rakyat Malaysia kalau benda-benda asaspun tak faham.

Anonymous said...

Kalaulah ada banyak kerja (high availability of jobs), takkan ada pengangguran. Kekosongan akan tetap diisi kerana ia akan merencatkan perancangan syarikat.

Itulah faktor utama. Kebolehan bertutur pelbagai bahasa hanyalah satu kelebihan. Lagipun, bukan semua orang perlu ada di barisan hadapan. Kalau tidak kenapa kelulusan disebut dahulu. Diikuti dengan tahun pengalaman. Selalunya tahun pengalaman boleh memberi refleks kepada kebolehan komunikasi seseorang. Kebolehan bertutur diletakkan di tempat paling bawah. Cuba tengok iklan kat suratkhabar.

Rasa macam bagi penerangan kat budak sekolah pulak. He He. Ini kes orang kurang cerdik nak tipu orang cerdiklah ni. Tak gitu penyokong PPSMI (termasuk PAGE).

Jebat Tak Derhaka.

Anonymous said...

Takdepun orang yang ulas apa yang disampaikan oleh Prof Sains, Matematik, dan Linguistik.

MATI AKAL ke semua? Datin takmau komen?

Anonymous said...

sorry jtd but interviews at the private sector are in english. don't assume it's only the frontliners who need to use english. in an engineering consultancy firm practically everything is done in calculations, design software,technical presentations & meetings, engineering drawings etc are in english. that's the reality. at construction sites , site /technical meetings are in english, every engineering term used is in english. fresh graduates who are fluent in english only will be considered. or else they will be rejected. unfortunately most of them are malays.... you think tne graduates are ready for that sort of working environment ?

Anonymous said...

what's wrong counting in english? you can count in bm if you don't like ppsmi. besides counting in mandarin & tamil is already allowed. page only wants ppsmi to be implemented in selected schools. they are not asking for the reintroduction of english medium schools. if english medium are brought back, parents would rush to enrol their children in such schools.

Anonymous said...

once again jtd is in denial mode. the main reason for the unemployability of the graduates is due to their weakness in the english language. they would attend interviews & request the interviews to be conducted in bm. an automatic rejection. this has been in the news for the last 20 yrs & yet graduates are still not proactive to the problem. how to get a job if you do not understand the questions asked during interviews and cannot answer them in proper english?

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha. Kalau pengangguran disebabkan oleh penguasaan BI, ramai kawan-kawan saya yang tak dapat kerja (kebanyakkannya dalam sektor swasta), sebab kami tak lalui PPSMI. Tapi keadaannya, tak begitu. Kebanyakan kami tidaklah fasih sangat tapi itu bukanlah penghalang untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab.

Saya sendiripun pernah berurusan dengan orang Eropah, Jepun, China untuk sokongan teknikal. Tapi takde masalahpun. Merekapun berpuas hati berkomunikasi sama ada secara lisan atau secara e-mail.

Dulu graduan IT mmg dikehendaki. Tapi sekarang sebab IPTA dan IPTS dan banyak keluarkan graduan, itu yang tersadai tak dapat kerja. Kenapa juga graduan seperti Akaun, Perbankan, Ekonomi, ramai juga yang tak dapat kerja? Sebab BI? Mmglah BI salah satu faktor, cumanya yang paling utama ialah sebab kurangnya kekosongan.

Bila waktunya ramai yang diberhentikan, ditawarkan VSS dan sebagainya, bila waktu ekonomi GAWAT betul tak? Tapi kalau tak gawat? Yang tak fasih sangatpun boleh diterima, bagi penyeliaan sewajarnya, bolehlah buat kerja. Kebanyakkannya faham walaupun terima arahan dalam BI dan bolehlah buat kerja.

Kalau dikira kefasihan BI, mungkin tidak tunggu ekonomi gawat, sekarangpun ramai yang akan diberhentikan kerana majoritinya tak fasih BI.

Pergilah tarik seorang dua yang kerja di syarikat swasta, berapa ramai sangat yang fasih, tapi mereka boleh buat kerja-kerja teknikal dengan baik. Ataupun tarik sampel dari pelajar yang dah melalui PPSMI, bagus sangatkah mereka?

Siapa yang *denial mode*?

Anonymous said...

jtd, i am sorry to tell you that you will never convince me.

the rule of thumb should be like this;
anti ppsmi- you should pursue sci/math in BM/Tamil/Mandarin and stop complaining. most of all, do not envy and hate the pro ppmsi. do not falsely accuse us as penghianat bangsa.
pro ppsmi the peace loving ppl-to pursue sci/math in english

simple right? no big deal. we are all taxpayers after all.

Anonymous said...

since a lot of my friends' children scored A's in science & maths in the last pmr results, can we proceed with ppsmi? yes jtd, "ramai" of my friends' children.

Anonymous said...

sorry jtd nothing funny when malays make up the bulk of unemployed graduates

total 56750
malays 50594 - 89%

total 56322
malays 49075 - 87%

2008 (till June)
total 47910
malays 41813 - 87%

i would like to believe your optimistic views but i do not come across statistics which favour the malays which is why i don't find it funny at all. studies always point to the weakness in english of the malays....

Anonymous said...

Saya masih mengatakan, punca utama ialah disebabkan peluang kerja yang terhad. Kalau semua fasih BI (setaraf orang putih sekalipun) kalau peluang kerja terhad, ramai yang akan menganggur.


Anonymous said...

Cumanya kalau nak dikira kenapa Melayu ramai, kenapa bukan Melayu kurang menganggur, kajian perlu lebih kepada sosio-ekonomi masyarakat. Bangsa Cinapun bukan fasih sangat BI. Setaraf orang Melayu aje.

PPSMI Boleh said...

The declining standard of English is a national issue and is one of the factors contributing to the unemployed graduates situation. I am in the recruiting sector and I can confidently say that when I hire, I hire for quality which includes language competency if the job requires. I disagree with JTD that there are limited job opportunities as I would rather not fill up a vacancy if I do not have the right candidate. We are talking about basic econmics of demand and supply. I have said many times that being good in more languages gives the person a better advantage than others.

As to the unemployed graduates data given by anonymous of Jan 3, the full details were shared in another blog (Patrick Teoh's) and that out of the 47,910 unemployed grads as June 2008, other than the 87% Malays, 10% were Indians and 3%Chinese. We can argue and argue as to the reasons why these graduates were not employed but I am very sure that as parents irrespective of whether we can Malays, Indians, Chinese, Ibans, Kadazans, Eurasians or of any race, we do not want our children to be part of the unemployed graduates statistics and if they cannot get jobs in Malaysia (if jobs are limited), we would also want them to be employable anywhere in the world. No need to go far, our little neighbour down south is everyready for our Malaysian talents.

If the ketam cannot walk straight, at least the ketam will not be confine under the tempurung but able to survive in the world out f the tempurung

Anonymous said...

Lagi sekali, adakah PPSMI hanya satu-satu penyelesaian? Tiada cara lain untuk meningkatkan penguasaan BI. Itulah yang menjadi persoalan.

Anonymous said...

No! In fact PPSMI is not good enough to solve the problems. The best way is to revert to English as medium of instruction all together. That is the very reason why our rich and elite parents sends their kids elsewhere instead of national school.

For the mediocre parents, they will send their kids national school. It's akin to "tak ada rotan, akar pun jadi lah".

be right back

Anonymous said...

JTD,(jgn tukar nama kAnonymous?) Hang kata
1. 'Awat Cina yg Xfasih BI pun boleh hidup' (bahkn kayaraya).
Pasal kebykkn mim MIM ALIF LAM SIM.
Klau skrg ni dgn PPSMI pun Xleh cakap BI, jgn harap esok nanti.

2. 'Peluang kerja Xbyk'
Peluang Xkn cari Hang, klau byk yg fikir mcm Hang. Kena siapkn diri dgn segala ilmu - lagi byk lagi laku.

3. Kitorang kesian sdr2 dKg. kerna kurang daya melawan arus para POLITIK & Sasterawan.

Anonymous said...

*Revert to English as medium of instruction*? Itu tak masuk akal. Sedangkan PPSMI pun bertentangan dengan perlembagaan (merujuk Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman, bekas Pengarah Urusan MAS yang juga pengamal undang-undang).

Kalau PPSMI bukanlah hanya satu-satu penyelesaian (MALAHAN TIDAK TERBUKTI sebagai penyelesaian sepanjang perlaksanaan selama 6 tahun), jadi kita kena cari kaedah lain.

Serahlah kepada kerajaan. Pihak-pihak yang anti-PPSMI juga bersetuju untuk membantu kalau BM terus dimartabatkan dan dalam masa yang sama BI dipertingkatkan demi keperluan. Situasi menang-menang bagi kedua pelah pihak.

Kalau nak pilih menang-kalah, atau lebih teruk lagi KALAH-KALAH,PPSMI lah caranya (BM hancur, BI pun tak seberapa). Tapi syukurlah, kerajaan dah buat keputusan. 2011 kita guna sistem baru.


Anonymous said...

Mmglah kerja takkan cari kita. Kita yang kena cari kerja. Menambah ilmu di dada mmg keperluan.

Zaman sekarang ni, ada internet, ada perisian kamus dan segala macam aplikasi IT, ada program televisyen pelbagai bahasa, kalau rasa masih susah nak meningkatkan ilmu dan penguasaan bahasa, orang tu mmg BENGAP sangat.

Zaman sekarang ni, ada juga *kesian bagi pihak orang lain* rupanya. Sedangkan ramai anak-anak kampung lebih selesa belajar dalam BM.

Korang kalau mampu dan perlu, hantarlah anak ke Sekolah swasta. Kalau korang tak MAMPU, korang sebenarnya yang perlukan SIMPATI. Dah jadi terbalik.

Tak payah kesian kat orang. Kesian dulu pada diri sendiri. Ha Ha.


Anonymous said...

job vacancies as advertised in an english newspaper - engineers, architects, accountants, lawyers, managers, doctors, actuarists......

job vacancies as advertised in a malay newspaper - pemandu, pengawal keselamatan, operator pengeluaran, kerani.....

when a malay fresh graduate starts looking for a job he won't find any jobs for graduates in a malay newspaper. even if there is, it would be few & limited. but to apply for a job from the ads in an english newspaper would require the application letter & resume to be in english.

even at this stage they already lose out due to their inability to write in english after 11 yrs schooling. if they succed in attending the interview, they would have problems as the interview is conducted in english.

if they try looking for jobs in the internet, they won't find job vacancy sites in bm. they are always at a disadvantage especially those weak in english.

maybe jtd can tell them where to apply for jobs.

Anonymous said...

Selama ini, ramai yang tak lalui PPSMI pun, boleh dapat kerja. Jangan jadi BODOH lah.


Anonymous said...

typical jtd response again, "ramai"....."saya masih mengatakan".... "mengarut"...."saya di pihak yang benar".... what a great way to put your point forward!
sorry you still have not convinced us as to why it is more advantageous to use bm instead of english in science & maths in the long run in the malaysian context.

Anonymous said...

agree with anonymous, first jtd insists graduates' unemployment is due to lack of vacancies, then he says that "ramai" are employed. self contradictory statement. quite right, i still don't see him convincing us as to why it is better to study s&m in bm compared to english.

Anonymous said...

Do I need to convince you? Who are you? Who am I? PPSMI is gone.


Anonymous said...

if it is gone why do you bother to write in this blog almost daily? just leave & see whether it would die without your interference. don't tell me you don't know who you are. you are someone who writes in this blog during office hours on working days. aren't you supposed to work? derhaka pada majikan, unless you are employed to do so.

Ho ho ho said...

I keep saying, ignore JTD. Dont waste a sungle breath with him. He really has a problem and he needs professional help. We cannot do anything to help him but as PPSMI supporters, lets not be like him

Anonymous said...

How do you know I didn't do my work? Are you really sure my nature of work? Have you ever consulted my boss? Ha Ha.

Typical PPSMI supporters, always guessing and talking what they dont know.

Ho Ho Ho, your advice is right. Just ignore me. Few of you keep on giving similar advice. There are people who might be forgot or tend to ignore. Why? Hot butt?

Everybody have right to say whatever they wish. If somebody feel uncomfort, what could we do? But how do you know I got problem and needs professional help? Could you suggest somebody so called *professional*?

You're typical PPSMI supporters too. Ha Ha.

Thank you.


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