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Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia/Ministry of Education Malaysia
Membangunkan sistem pendidikan yang berkualiti bertaraf dunia bagi memperkembangkan potensi individu sepenuhnya dan memenuhi aspirasi Negara Malaysia
To develop a world-class quality education system which will realize the full potential of the individual and fulfil the aspiration of the Malaysian nation
Melahirkan bangsa Malaysia yang taat setia dan bersatu padu
Melahirkan insan yang beriman, berakhlak mulia, berilmu, berketrampilan dan sejahtera
Menyediakan sumber tenaga manusia untuk keperluan kemajuan Negara
Memberi peluang-peluang pendidikan kepada semua warganegara
To produce loyal and united Malaysians
To produce happy, well-mannered individuals who have faith, knowledge and vision
To prepare the nation’s human resource for development needs
To provide educational opportunities for all Malaysians
To commensurate the reward of being a parent, PAGE is borne.
Parent’s feedback will be provided to the Ministry of Education for the end objective of continuously ensuring that the Ministry of Education provides wholesome and progressive education for our children to equip them for their future.
PAGE looks forward to constructive feedback from all parents being the guardians of developing our future generation into confident, successful and wholesome persons, God Willing.
who give you the power..... if you dont let the rakyat to voice.Is time to change.
Rakyat mahukan BM di mertabatkan...PAGE patut dibubarkan....fikran anda terhadap BM negative....
Kami ibubapa bukan tidak ingin memartabatkan bahasa melayu tetapi pernahkan terbayang oleh anda semua, bagaimana anak-anak kami yg merupakan kump pertama yg menggunakan bahasa inggeris dlm maths dan sains. Setelah sembilan tahun bermula dari darjah 1 sehingga ting 3, tiba-tiba semuanya ditukarkan. Tak dinafikan mereka boleh belajar tapi adakah semuanya sama? Anda mungkin tidak menghadapi masalah ini, anak-anak anda mungkin telah lama berjaya, telah berkerjaya. JGN JADIKAN ANAK-ANAK KAMI SEBAGAI BAHAN PERCUBAAN......
its just extremely sad to read such trashy comments by those who oppose PAGE and any effort to elevate the educational standing of ALL children in m'sia.Tthe fact that these ppl just use such vulgarities, snide, meaningless retorts to the point where their comments are nothing more than sheer RUDENESS to everyone else just shows the levelof maturity that this nation has reahed. Please do not object simply bcoz u need to just object to everything & everyone that does not share ur views & certainly do NOT PERSONALISE any comments against the chairman or anyone. again its just RUDE, UNCULTURED & UNCIVILISED behaviour. please do not label anyone who supports the use of English as pengkhianat bangsa & bahasa or kacang yg lupakan kulit. that REALLY shows ur small mindedness. please TRY to see the bigger picture & focus at the issues at hand i.e. to raise the level of educational standards of all children 7 to make sure they stand on a level ccompetitive field in the global arena. Please stop all these rudeneess.
Daripada sibuk memartabatkan bahasa inggeris,lebih baik PAGE fokus kepada penyatuan semua sekolah kepada satu jenis sekolah saja. Sekolah yang berbagai aliran seperti vernakular memberi kesan yang AMAT BURUK kepada negara dari segi perpaduan rakyat dan perkauman yang membimbangkan. Tunggu masa saja BOM jangka akan meletup akibat sekolah vernakular. Apa gunanya pandai inggeris tapi semua murid di asing-asing?
Don't make our children "white mouse",certainly PPSMI benefit our future generation. Not that we reject BM but it's a fact that be proficient in English makes young malaysians competitive!
To make the real decision of the parents of Malaysia be heard loud and clear and once and for all, why can't a referendum be held and let the people who really cares for the children who are the future of our country let the Government of the time know.
To the Chairman and members of "Page", don't get too upset by the rudeness of those who oppose the use of English, this people are so pathetic, they have no vision for the future, just look at the way they write thier comments, so uncivilised, so ruded, and can't even write in English, that's the way they want their children to be..... like them..hopeless !!
Today 31/10/2011 at about 11:30am, the petition online link seems to direct to a "different" web-page?
Is this correct? Note the total signatures of 5,698
I have put up the same link at two of my blog sites several days ago and have seen the total signatures in excess of 10,000:-
I signed at 9,796.
Our DPM and Education Minister, pls listen to the pulse and the feel of rakyats at large and not just some lazy MOE officers and short-sighted Malay and Chinese educationist/linguist(politicians included) whom I consider as so sellfish to oppose those who want their children to be taught science and mathematics in English.
Malays must go against the tide if that is going to make them better. Not, flowing with the tide and expect to be remembered as a great leader by future generations. If Prophet Muhammad were to listen to the Arabs majority when he started preaching Islam,we are all now probably no better bthan those nomads of his era.
'Mertabatkan Penggunaan Bahasa Melayu' in all gov't dealing, court of laws,all legal and commercial communications, yet allow our sons and daughters who want to learn science and mathematics in English to do so. This will make us a great nation and Malaysia and Malaysians will be the reference of the world.
Ada yang fikir masalah yg dihadapi oleh ribuan pelajar di luar bandar? PAGE hanya untuk ibubapa di bandar.
Sedangkan pelajaran adalah untuk semua.
Hello PAGE group,
We fully support you all, we are parents that being ignored by government. Although we are not manage to join you all to submit memorandum to PM.
We support more than 100%. We have rights for our children future.
We support you (PAGE),
We back you, moral support you.
we can not because of few people and we choose not to be developed in the future.
Silent does not mean consent. Our vote will make the direction on what we want from government.
Thank you very much to PAGE group team,
We are parents who are so happy that you help us to voice out our needs.
We are so lucky to have you all.
You are our hero and heroes.
Thank you sincerely from our hearts.
There are a lot of countries out there that proves that you dont have to be good in english in order to be a developed nation. They also prove that you dont need to learn science and math in english to excel in these areas. I've been to a number of these countries to know that they can communicate with others who do speak english on an academic platform despite their lack in proficiency in english. I believe as far as science and mathematics goes, it is to a very large extent universal. I think that most of us who thinks that proper english is key to success should try and visit south korea, taiwan and most of europe to see that it really is not. I have had to in many situations dumb down my english in order to communicate with others on an academic platform, mind you from these countries, and yet we can see that they are right now at the forefront of technology and knowledge. The only people who are overly concerned with english are english speaking malaysians who unfortunately are holding positions that determines employment opportunities in Malaysia. Other people from other countries that i have met values knowledge far more than the language it is communicated in and most of them who speaks english are amazed by the mere fact that we speak it too much to be bothered by our grammatical errors.
Setiap yg berlaku ada pro & con, jadi dlm hal spt ini, saya harap pihak page boleh bertolak ansur, ini krn jika PPSMTI dilaksanakan ramai anak2 luar bandar akan keciciran, jika kita lihat jepun,korea & taiwan masih boleh maju menggunakan bahasa ibunda, dimanakah letaknya maruah bangsa kita jika dlm bab ni masih x yakin dgn bahasa sendiri.....kita akn diketawakan oleh bangsa asing krn menggunakan bahasa asing sbg bahasa ilmu asing akan menghormati kita kerana keberanian kita menggunakan bahasa ibunda dihadapan mereka , bukannya menggunakan bahasa asing.....fikir2kan
Setiap yg berlaku ada pro & con, jadi dlm hal spt ini, saya harap pihak page boleh bertolak ansur, ini krn jika PPSMTI dilaksanakan ramai anak2 luar bandar akan keciciran, jika kita lihat jepun,korea & taiwan masih boleh maju menggunakan bahasa ibunda, dimanakah letaknya maruah bangsa kita jika dlm bab ni masih x yakin dgn bahasa sendiri.....kita akn diketawakan oleh bangsa asing krn menggunakan bahasa asing sbg bahasa ilmu asing akan menghormati kita kerana keberanian kita menggunakan bahasa ibunda dihadapan mereka , bukannya menggunakan bahasa asing.....fikir2kan
ngapa pihak page tak perjuangkan bahasa jawi, sbb setiap yg berlaku kita tak dpt kesan sekarang tunggu dlm 5-10 thn lagi, maka akan ramai lah kanak2 yg tak tahu menulis dan membaca jawi.....jadi mungkin skrg anak2 ahli page yg terdiri drp keluarga dibandar dan kaya akan berjaya jika kerajaan mengekalkan PPSMTI, bagaimana anak2 luar bandar, dlm masa 5-10 thn akan dtg? fikir2kan ibubapa mereka dikampung ingin melihat anak mereka berjaya juga, cuma x berkemampuan utk hantar utk pergi tuition.....
Mengapa tak tuition kan mereka supaya menukar bahasa dlm pembelajaran dlm sains & math, adakah kita sanggup menggadaikan nasib anak2 luar bandar utk kepentingan kita (page) yg terdiri drp anak2 bandar yg percentage below 35%,.....bagaimana nasib anak2 65% lagi.......?fikir-fikirkan
Cuma ibubapa diluarbandar tidak berupaya membuat persatuan seperti page, kerana mungkin kekurangan dana atau sibuk pergi kekebun membanting tulang utk mencari sesuap nasi, tetapi mereka juga ingin melihat anak mereka berjaya seperti anak2 dibandar....mungkin nasib yg berbeza......tetapi jika mereka berupaya menubuhkan persatuan macam page rasanya tak terlawan agaknya......lagi satu tak baik ugut pemerintah, adakah page beranggapan dgn berbuat demikian mengatasi takdir ALLAH S.W.T. Itu semua ketentuan ALLAH S.W.T. dia shj yg berkuasa utk memberi & mengambil balik kuasa pemerintahan ni bumi ini.
can PAGE please inform me if there is a need of somebody to die for the success of supporting ppsmi.KIDDING!
althouhh all my childrens finished their study.but,i worry my grandchildrens future education. how to go oversea study without English if he/she not entitled to admit local university.SAD SAD.em
after i failed my form 5(1972)due to BM.i work as a construction supervisor.i was employed because i know simple english.i learned alot from engineers and architects eventually i promoted as a project maneger.i like to thanks 'ENGLISH' for supported me and family for all these time.
i am a father prepared to sell off every thing(including my trousers) for my childrens education.ENGLISH only worth me to do this for their bright future.
friends,supporting ppsmi is EQUAL TO
supporting your future generations
Why each education minister likes to change policy as they like. I guess they don't know education and results take time to matured.
Ngapa kita tak alih bahasa dr BI kpd BM utk semua ilmu yg selama ini mejoriti dlm BI. Seperti yg dilakukan oleh jepun, korea, perancis dll. Ini kerana mereka juga ingin membuktikan bhw bahasa ibunda mereka juga berupa menjadi bahasa ilmu. Mereka bangga krn bahasa mereka diiktiraf di pesana kita lebih utamakan BI dr BM. Klau ikutkan bahasa indon mempunyai ranking lagi baik drp BM, mengapa?.....ini krn ramai org melayu tidak mempunyai iltizam & semangat yg kental utk memertabatkan bahasa sendiri. Ramai org melayu yg menggunakan BI, ketika memberi ucapan di pentas antarabangsa walaupun "vocab" x berapa baik....
Perundangan: Percanggahan dengan perlembagaan.......
Menurut Prof Dr Aziz Bari, kedudukan bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan sangat jelas dalam Perkara 152 di mana segala urusan rasmi baik di peringkat persekutuan dan negeri hendaklah dijalankan dalam bahasa itu. Walaupun terdapat pengecualian kepada penggunaan bahasa Melayu oleh Yang Dipertuan Agong, PPSMI tidak boleh dihujah sebagai sesuatu yang dibenarkan tambahan pula dasar ini tidak dilaksanakan melalui parlimen tetapi dibuat oleh pihak eksekutif secara tiba-tiba yang sepatutnya perlu melalui proses rundingan dan perbincangan awam.[39] Polisi ini sudah pun dicabar pada tahun 2002 yang oleh empat orang pelajar Melayu Perak pada tahun 2002 kerana melanggar Perkara 152.[40] Menurut Prof Dr Aziz lagi, mahkamah belum membuat keputusan mengenai PPSMI sedangkan dalam kes Universiti Merdeka pada tahun 1981,[41] isu Perkara 152 Perlembagan Persekutuan telah timbul dan diputuskan oleh mahkamah. Dalam kes Universiti Merdeka ini, mahkamah telah menolak petisyen penubuhan Universiti Merdeka yang akan menggunakan bahasa Cina sebagai bahasa pengantar kerana bertentangan dengan Perkara 152.
Menurut bekas pengerusi MAS, Tan Sri Dato' Dr Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman berkata bahawa penggunaan bahasa Inggeris dalam mata pelajaran Matematik dan Sains tidak sah di sisi undang-undang kerana bertentangan dengan seksyen 17(1) Akta 550 Akta Pendidikan 1996 dan dengan sendirinya bercanggah dengan kehendak dan tujuan Artikel 152(1) dan 152(6) Perlembagaan Malaysia.[42] Kenyataan ini disokong oleh ramai penulis muda Malaysia seperti Faisal Tehrani[43] dan lain-lain.
I decide to move back from oversea to Malaysia with hope that Malaysia Ministry of Education BOLEH and READY with better education system. But not anymore if ..........
So please let English remain as the teaching language for Science and Maths.
Don't underestimate our children's ability to learn. Children have minds like sponges. Why do adults have doubts about their ability to pick up a language so essential in this era?
DPM, you are so firm on your decision. You decide what is good for my children in education. I will be firm in my decision who to vote in next GE.
It is speaking,writing and reading in English that should be emphasized if you want Malaysian to be good in English.Not every Malaysian wants to be a scientist or mathematician.Stupid....
55% murid india belajar di sekolah SK. Apakah tahap kece,erlangan mereka dapat di umumkan oleh KPM?. Data kepeutusan UPSR untuk SJKT dan SJKC boleh diperolehi.Tetapi bagaimana pula murid-murid bukan melayu cemerlang di SK?. Setakat ini tiada data diperolehi dari KPM. Tambahan lagi SK tidak berunsurkan kebangsaan .ia berunsurkan kemelayuan dan dan keislaman. maka bagaimana ia boleh menyatupadukan rakyat dari berbilang bangsa.
As I ask parents & friends around me, many suggested primary use mother tongue to minimize kids learning gap, but secondary standardize for all M'sian to use English for Maths & Science subjects to prepare them for university edu & the real world.
This is a Win-Win suggestion: please those demand for mother tongue education, please those demand for English medium education.
As most Msian nowadays have chance to complete secondary education, it helps to standardize/unite Msian youth of diverse race & background through same Secondary education.
Hope this message get across to the policy makers, PM, influential educationists who can drive to help Msian generations to become a successful & well respected nation.
Can anyone suggest what else can be done to get the message across?
PM dan DPM, TOLONG.......LAH dengar suara ibubapa yang sokong PPSMI (PAGE). Janganlah buat anak-anak kita merasa pening (ada sekolah yg mengajar BI dan ada pula BM). Ibubapa turut sama. Bukan semua ibubapa kaya-raya mampu hantar anak-anak mereka belajar di sekolah antarabangsa. WE SUPPORT "PAGE".
Is your child a slow learner?? Does he find it hard to grasp certain knowledge in school?? Does he have a lack of interest in studying??Spending too much money on private tutors? We have the solution for you. We encourage and strive to diversify on proven educational methods to help you child study and score better in school. For more information contact or SMS 016 - 427 4107 (Claire)
Very sad to read comment saying that Japanese and korean proud using their own mother tongue..but recently, Japanese graduate having difficulties securing a job due to low English shows that even in so called country whose proud of their mother tongue have to agreed that English is important...once more do not compare Malaysia to Japan and Korea..these two countries are producer of technology while we in Malaysia mere a user...that's make a difference...ok
As parent I would like to give 110% support to PAGE. PAGE has very clear intention to give an alternative to parents who wish their children learn Maths and Science in English. For those who give a comment asking PAGE to promote a transformation in our education system is really out of mind. Maybe he needs to read history text book again in order for him to understand why we have such system.(SK/SJK(C)/SJK(T) is very difficult to standardize our education system since that everyone has their own personal interest over it. For me, using English as a medium of instruction in our schooling system will be accepted by most Malaysian because not every Malaysian consider BM as their mother tongue because of its frequent a minute Bahasa Malaysia then changed to Bahasa for non-Malay they consider Bahasa Melayu is Malay's mother should be Bahasa Malaysia!...but because our politician like to use language and education issue as a ticket to gain a popularity so we are in difficult time right now! we are victim!
Our former PM introduced the policy of PPSMI in 2003 because after the implementation of Bahasa Malaysia as medium of instruction in our education system in 1972, we can see a lot of school and university leavers having difficulties in using English as second language. So, our former PM make a bold move introducing this policy even he knew that this decision could make him less popular. How I wish every Malaysian able to read between the lines over this policy. We can't make an assumption or looking a perfect finding either the policy is failed or success based on short duration of implementation. We also can relate this issue to the development of Putrajaya and setting up KLIA during Tun Mahathir leadership...before the completion of these two project a quite of number of Malaysian saying that these projects are useless and won't give benefit to Malaysia..but now we agreed that these projects really give a great profit and benefit to Malaysian and its, same goes to PPSMI...I believe if we continue using this policy we are able to market our graduate to abroad...and working for international agency..believe me!
Tun Mahathir, we need your help to convince current government to reintroduce PPSMI...we know current PM agreed with this policy as a way to uphold the quality of our human capital but due to his anxiety over General Election results..he does not have choice!..we really need a leader like you! who is brave and have a wisdom to influenced current government..most voters are from educated malaysian which is selecting their leader not based on popularity but the way he or she react over such issue and smart when make a decision!!!!! we miss you Tun!
we want PPSMI!!!!!
we want PPSMI!!!!!
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